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Date Posted: 11/22/15 9:08:08pm Sun
Author: Voy Monitor
Subject: Make GR the color commentator with Eric Melanowski
In reply to: The Future 's message, "Re: Future's post is all blabber - here's why" on 11/22/15 8:39:52pm Sun

Maybe he will have relieved himself by the time he gets to the Board.
Or perhaps he can hold chalk talk sessions at the Inn ?

>You are 102% correct, Gate Raider.
>I feel like I just went to smart camp.
>Thank you.

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[> [> [> Re: Future's post is all blabber - here's why -- Gate Raider, 11/22/15 10:59:04pm Sun

You are welcome. Not to be pedantic, but one really can't be 102% correct. You probably know that. Instead of watching through the internet come to a few games and raise the attendance number. You will have a better perspective.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Future's post is all blabber - here's why -- jb'74 (FOCUS), 11/22/15 11:39:20pm Sun

>You are welcome. Not to be pedantic, but one really
>can't be 102% correct. You probably know that.
>Instead of watching through the internet come to a few
>games and raise the attendance number. You will have
>a better perspective.
It's pathetic for the few of us who probably represent the core level of University interest in this football team and its +/- 125 years of history to waste time denigrating the efforts of our fellow posters on this Board. We are in the Playoffs, we were undefeated in the League; the Team improved in significant measures week by week, and virtually everybody is back next year (with all due praise to the Seniors who have been so valuable and who may have a game or two to go). No penalties, No missed tackles. No turnovers. Be bold. Mix things up. Own the clock.( And every poster needs to be at UNH. But based on my recollection of the pregame tailgate before the last playoff game there, back in the Jordan Scott era, be sure to wear waterproof boots because the tailgate/parking area is a swamp in good weather and an artic tundra in November).

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Future's post is all blabber - here's why -- The Future, 11/23/15 1:32:57am Mon

Gate Raider,
I invite you to rip apart 104% of my posts. Always great to get another opinion and it certainly is a window into your football acumen! I have no ill will towards you and hope you go to the UNH game and give 'em hell!

jb '74, I think you're right on all points--and certainly the mud in the parking lot. Would imagine it can't be much better with it being a construction site. I do like the venue, though. Good, loud fans. This would be a great win for Colgate. Be bold and get after it.

Go 'gate!

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