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Date Posted: 11/23/15 12:40:39pm Mon
Author: Gate Raider
Subject: Re: Anyone here?
In reply to:
's message, "Re: Anyone here?" on 11/22/15 8:35:26pm Sun
UNH is charging $25 for a ticket. I'm not sure that is required by the NCAA or not. If it is UNH's decision to charge that amount, that could raise a good amount of funds which would have allowed them to bid high. Now they have to hope they get enough fans willing to pay $25 for a game that starts at 3:30. Doubt there are many fans farther than about 2 hours away that will travel that far for a game that starts that late. ESPN3, I suspect, is dictating the start time. TV money and NCAA collusion strike again.
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Re: Anyone here? -- Critic, 11/23/15 5:27:33pm Mon
>UNH is charging $25 for a ticket. I'm not sure that
>is required by the NCAA or not. If it is UNH's
>decision to charge that amount, that could raise a
>good amount of funds which would have allowed them to
>bid high. Now they have to hope they get enough fans
>willing to pay $25 for a game that starts at 3:30.
>Doubt there are many fans farther than about 2 hours
>away that will travel that far for a game that starts
>that late. ESPN3, I suspect, is dictating the start
>time. TV money and NCAA collusion strike again.
$25? $25? That's as ridiculous as us charging $25 for the UConn women's hoops game at the Cott Dome.
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UNH Article -- gate, 11/23/15 6:20:05pm Mon
I would pay that and more to watch Colgate in a playoff game. What do they charge in Lake Placid for playoff hockey tix? Why is that any different? Am wondering if UNH students will be back on campus...hopefully not. We had a nice contingent in Hamilton on Saturday despite no students being present; glad to be there.
Did we really get outbid? Assumed UNH got the nod b/c they beat Colgate H2H. Have read that the Wildcats are 45-3 (give or take) on their home turf since 2005...not the best Raider odds.
Anyone else question the bracket integrity?
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Re: Anyone here? -- Gate Raider, 11/23/15 7:43:37pm Mon
I would pay $25, too. However, around Hamilton, I wonder how many somewhat casual fans would come up with that amount if the game was at Kerr. Husband and wife with a couple of kids, parking and food, it starts adding up. And, it is on ESPN3.
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Re: Anyone here? -- Critic, 11/24/15 10:44:57am Tue
>I would pay $25, too. However, around Hamilton, I
>wonder how many somewhat casual fans would come up
>with that amount if the game was at Kerr. Husband and
>wife with a couple of kids, parking and food, it
>starts adding up. And, it is on ESPN3.
For $25 I'll skip the game and go hunting, again.
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