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Date Posted: 11/28/15 5:34:26am Sat
Author: Self-centered
Subject: G.R. thinks this is un-American or un-Colgate!
In reply to: Steve 's message, "Re: Probably didn't pay too much for travel to Ireland" on 11/28/15 4:56:24am Sat

There are so many objectives of the athletic progrogram that GR just can't fathom simply because they fall outside of providing entertainment for him in Hammytown !

>I am in Belfast now so am in a good position to
>reflect on what I saw last night at the SSE Arena.
>Belfast is in Northern Ireland, not Ireland, and the
>Friendship Tournament has been very exciting and eye
>opening. Here is a city formerly beset with "the
>troubles" that continues to work through them in
>difficult economic times. There were about 2000
>uniformed school children attending our game with
>Colgate and Brown banners, lots of cheering, screaming
>and music, and a joyous atmosphere. The Colgate team
>had been to some schools on Tuesday and met with
>students about what determination and diligence can
>deliver, irrespective of hardships. The lead up must
>have meant days of preparation work for those
>childrens's teachers.
>About the adults, there are 2 administrators here from
>Athletics and they met with the mayor in a formal City
>Hall ceremony where the appreciation of the city was
>rolled out. That sets the tone. There are several
>hockey parents, UK alumni and the tour sponsored by
>the Alumni Office of Ireland and Belfast. And yes,
>there are 2 of their office coordinating the tour and
>our alumni receptions.
>For me what ties down the spirit of the occasion is
>something that occured between periods. While walking
>on the concourse to our reception room a couple
>approached me with the Belfast Giants hockey jersey of
>last year. They offered it as a GIFT to us! Just happy
>to share the connection.
>So I hope that this summary of day 1 gives you some
>idea about the benefits we get from being here. You
>might also ask the players and coaches when you next
>spend some time with them
>Let's hope for a better result today!
>Go 'gate!

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[> [> [> [> Re: Probably didn't pay too much for travel to Ireland -- 'gate80, 11/28/15 8:10:04am Sat

Good for you, Steve, for making the trip.

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