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Date Posted: 11/29/15 10:38:54am Sun
Author: Hoopie
Subject: Does anyone care about MBB?

So, football won, men's hockey went to Ireland and lost...again, women's hockey doing well, but men's hoops beat UMBC yesterday. Do 'gate fans care?

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[> Re: Does anyone care about MBB? -- Gate'83, 11/29/15 11:40:52am Sun

>So, football won, men's hockey went to Ireland and
>lost...again, women's hockey doing well, but men's
>hoops beat UMBC yesterday. Do 'gate fans care?

Yes... was at Fordham Tuesday. Looks to me like a very young team that's likely to be pretty erratic. Freshman forwards Krmpotich (love that name) & Regisford look very athletic & aggressive though need to add bulk/strength. We shot very poorly as a team Tuesday, but freshman guard Favorite has a great looking stroke. Liked Rivard as well, hoping Tillotson starts trusting these guys and dribbling less (not enough movement Tuesday, though Fordham's guards were very quick so may have caused some hesitation). From the looks of things this will be the interesting winter team this year...

However, chose to spend yesterday in Durham with the football team. On to JMU!

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[> Re: Does anyone care about MBB? -- Gate Raider, 11/29/15 3:09:28pm Sun

I was not quite sure of what to expect after last year. Credit goes to Langel for the team he has been able to put on the court. Should be interesting as the new players get better through the year.

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[> Binghamton -- Gate'83, 12/ 1/15 9:03:52pm Tue

Blowing us out, up 20+ with 3 minutes left. They lost by double digits to Cornell, Army & BU but made their shots tonight (we didn't). Hopefully just a down game...

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[> [> Re: Binghamton. Lost 69-50 -- Critic, 12/ 1/15 9:23:46pm Tue

>Blowing us out, up 20+ with 3 minutes left. They lost
>by double digits to Cornell, Army & BU but made their
>shots tonight (we didn't). Hopefully just a down

I continue to look for positives and can't seem to find much. No outside threats to speak of, weak inside game, can't put down inside shots. Okay, they are young, but......... I'm a die hard and I continue to hope and pray.

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[> Re: Does anyone care about MBB? -- Hoopie, 12/ 7/15 4:38:35pm Mon

>So, football won, men's hockey went to Ireland and
>lost...again, women's hockey doing well, but men's
>hoops beat UMBC yesterday. Do 'gate fans care?

Two games this week and one is a must win. 'gate playing up vs Syr U Tuesday and playing way down vs Utica U Thursday. Go 'gate!

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[> [> Re: Does anyone care about MBB? -- Gate Raider, 12/ 7/15 7:11:15pm Mon

Football is the big story right now. Hope they make a good showing against SU and win by a significant margin against Utica. Is the team improving with each game?

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[> [> [> Re: Does anyone care about MBB? -- kevin, 12/ 7/15 7:55:57pm Mon

Is the team improving with each game?

No. Its best game of the season was its first. Blown out in its last four losses, including by a weak Binghampton team.

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