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Doubt that gate had to pay a cent for this junket -- Voy Board Sanity Monitor, 11/30/15 11:57:13am Mon
Per usual, GR, you're starting to contradict yourself....or something like that, in your case.
>I am trying to bring some perspective to the cost of
>athletics at Colgate and the cost of an education at
>Colgate. Please remember that the cost of athletics
>is shared by all of the students at the school and not
>just by those who participate in a sport. I support
>Colgate athletics in attendance and with dollars. I
>would like to see the dollars go where they will have
>the most benefit - scholarships for one.
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Re: Belfast Blowup -- Safe Space Janitor, 11/30/15 11:59:49am Mon
Over $25 million in donations has been raised for the new hockey facility, and it's still ongoing. Over $200k was raised by the organizers of the Belfast tournament from private sources to cover the travel expenses of the participating teams. You seem to be confusing what is being spent with who is spending it.
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S.S.J.: Thnx but...Don't confuse GR with facts -- Voy Board Sanity Monitor,, 11/30/15 3:22:34pm Mon
>Over $25 million in donations has been raised for the
>new hockey facility, and it's still ongoing. Over
>$200k was raised by the organizers of the Belfast
>tournament from private sources to cover the travel
>expenses of the participating teams. You seem to be
>confusing what is being spent with who is spending it.
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