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Date Posted: 12/ 3/15 11:51:04pm Thu
Author: Raider Archivist
Subject: USCHO article on Belfast's Varied Beneficiaries
In reply to: Steve 's message, "Re: It's "Opprobrium" Steve!" on 12/ 1/15 10:26:49am Tue

A good read: http://www.uscho.com/2015/12/03/umass-lowell-gets-the-hardware-at-the-friendship-four-but-the-real-victor-is-college-hockey/

>>>But, you're right on, nonetheless!
>>>>There is nothing to "be argued" and it's not up to
>>>>others to supply funding information for the Belfast
>>>>tournament or the new arena for that manner. Just
>>>>it all up yourself.
>>>>And before you go about insulting Colgate teams and
>>>>social workers with your invective think about
>>>>a deep breath, vent and ponder the likely
>>>>consequences. A little effort and balance on your
>>>>can go a long way in avoiding approbrium.
>>>>Like I said yesterday, stop digging and move on
>>>>already. OK?
>>>>Go 'gate!
>>Invective? Approbrium? My apologies for being a
>>social worker who used taxpayer bucks to attend a
>>state school rather than a social worker who attended
>>an overpriced private college, but "invective" and
>>"approbrium" in a single rant? I'm humbled and
>>humiliated. By the way, why can't I find the latter of
>>those two words in the dictionary?
>There is no need to apologize for your background!
>The earlier poster is correct in that I mistyped and
>thereby misspelled opprobrium. I may have been
>thinking of "Approval" which one might reasonably
>expect to earn when contributing on this site-
>something others might approve of, agree with and
>appreciate. No, not a rant, just a viewpoint or maybe
>a suggestion.
>Anyway, now that you are using the words invective and
>opprobrium you have more arrows in your quiver.
>Nothing wrong with that, is there?
>Go 'gate!

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