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Date Posted: 12/ 4/15 10:21:02pm Fri
Author: jb'74
Subject: Interstate 81

Plus or minus 10 days on the December calendar, twelve years ago, our 2003 team was in the finals in 1AA versus Delaware (God do I hate Delaware) in the finals of the Playoff system that we are in this weekend. You all remember the game, and we who were there in Chattanooga that night felt a positive vibe when it started to snow before the kickoff. Well, we know how that ended up, but what an amazing run prior to that loss(20-0, with a fabulous group of players, coaches, fans and parents). I flew down to Nashville for that game from CT with my daughter ('Gate 05) and rented a car to head on to the game(because we were ferrying back three of her classmates to destinations in NJ and NY after the hoped for victory). The bittersweet return was tough, as was the post-loss reception at the "Chattanooga Choo-Choo Hotel" (I kid you not)that we all stayed at, but the turnout and bonding by alumni was inspiring. Ten of my frat brothers tail-gaited together before that game (KDR, great brats from Steve M.). I will never forget parent Al Muschel (father of OL Mark, who climbed to the last row of the Kerrdome with a megaphone before every home game in that win streak) leading the room in a restorative post-loss cheer. I also remember closing the hotel bar with Dave Lake (great WR '75) and Henry White '78 (arguably the most talented RB ever at Gate...just look at his #'s). My point is, we are a tiny institution with remarkable people who converge in a lovely little Town in upstate NY, who all move on, do reasonably well, send their kids back, and all stay united decades later. We all are linked, and nothing preserves that link like 'Gate football.(The same vibe was present in the stands in the rain in NH last Saturday).The image that I am continually drawn to since seeing our match-up with JMU is the fact that my rental car return trip on I-81 after Delaware in 2003 virtually split the uprights off the JMU campus, and I would love to see our 2015 Red Raiders leave that locale in triumph.

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[> Re: Interstate 81 -- Cr, 12/ 4/15 10:34:37pm Fri

>Plus or minus 10 days on the December calendar, twelve
>years ago, our 2003 team was in the finals in 1AA
>versus Delaware (God do I hate Delaware) in the finals
>of the Playoff system that we are in this weekend. You
>all remember the game, and we who were there in
>Chattanooga that night felt a positive vibe when it
>started to snow before the kickoff. Well, we know how
>that ended up, but what an amazing run prior to that
>loss(20-0, with a fabulous group of players, coaches,
>fans and parents). I flew down to Nashville for that
>game from CT with my daughter ('Gate 05) and rented a
>car to head on to the game(because we were ferrying
>back three of her classmates to destinations in NJ and
>NY after the hoped for victory). The bittersweet
>return was tough, as was the post-loss reception at
>the "Chattanooga Choo-Choo Hotel" (I kid you not)that
>we all stayed at, but the turnout and bonding by
>alumni was inspiring. Ten of my frat brothers
>tail-gaited together before that game (KDR, great
>brats from Steve M.). I will never forget parent Al
>Muschel (father of OL Mark, who climbed to the last
>row of the Kerrdome with a megaphone before every home
>game in that win streak) leading the room in a
>restorative post-loss cheer. I also remember closing
>the hotel bar with Dave Lake (great WR '75) and Henry
>White '78 (arguably the most talented RB ever at
>Gate...just look at his #'s). My point is, we are a
>tiny institution with remarkable people who converge
>in a lovely little Town in upstate NY, who all move
>on, do reasonably well, send their kids back, and all
>stay united decades later. We all are linked, and
>nothing preserves that link like 'Gate football.(The
>same vibe was present in the stands in the rain in NH
>last Saturday).The image that I am continually drawn
>to since seeing our match-up with JMU is the fact that
>my rental car return trip on I-81 after Delaware in
>2003 virtually split the uprights off the JMU campus,
>and I would love to see our 2015 Red Raiders leave
>that locale in triumph.

Great post! I was there for the game, but flew out directly after. Great year and fun to relive. Al Muschell was the best and later won the Maroon Council loyalty award.

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[> Re: Interstate 81 -- The Future, 12/ 5/15 5:24:20pm Sat

Great post, jb'74.

I'm a big fan of everything Colgate right now.

A roar from the valley, there is no sweeter sound.

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[> Re: Interstate 81 -- JimLu72, 12/ 5/15 5:55:33pm Sat

>Plus or minus 10 days on the December calendar, twelve
>years ago, our 2003 team was in the finals in 1AA
>versus Delaware (God do I hate Delaware) in the finals
>of the Playoff system that we are in this weekend. You
>all remember the game, and we who were there in
>Chattanooga that night felt a positive vibe when it
>started to snow before the kickoff. Well, we know how
>that ended up, but what an amazing run prior to that
>loss(20-0, with a fabulous group of players, coaches,
>fans and parents). I flew down to Nashville for that
>game from CT with my daughter ('Gate 05) and rented a
>car to head on to the game(because we were ferrying
>back three of her classmates to destinations in NJ and
>NY after the hoped for victory). The bittersweet
>return was tough, as was the post-loss reception at
>the "Chattanooga Choo-Choo Hotel" (I kid you not)that
>we all stayed at, but the turnout and bonding by
>alumni was inspiring. Ten of my frat brothers
>tail-gaited together before that game (KDR, great
>brats from Steve M.). I will never forget parent Al
>Muschel (father of OL Mark, who climbed to the last
>row of the Kerrdome with a megaphone before every home
>game in that win streak) leading the room in a
>restorative post-loss cheer. I also remember closing
>the hotel bar with Dave Lake (great WR '75) and Henry
>White '78 (arguably the most talented RB ever at
>Gate...just look at his #'s). My point is, we are a
>tiny institution with remarkable people who converge
>in a lovely little Town in upstate NY, who all move
>on, do reasonably well, send their kids back, and all
>stay united decades later. We all are linked, and
>nothing preserves that link like 'Gate football.(The
>same vibe was present in the stands in the rain in NH
>last Saturday).The image that I am continually drawn
>to since seeing our match-up with JMU is the fact that
>my rental car return trip on I-81 after Delaware in
>2003 virtually split the uprights off the JMU campus,
>and I would love to see our 2015 Red Raiders leave
>that locale in triumph.
Congrats from the folks formerly known as the Engineers.

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