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Date Posted: 12/ 5/15 7:02:02pm Sat
Author: TheGreenCoat
Subject: Re: Ditto, The Green Coat's, The Future & The Last Indian's Points!
In reply to: Raider Archivist 's message, "Re: Ditto, The Green Coat's, The Future & The Last Indian's Points!" on 12/ 5/15 6:39:42pm Sat

>Pretty uncharacteristic of The Last Indian to make
>such a long post....Must be pretty psyched up!
>I think the point about "not sneaking up" on anybody
>next year is a great point. And, even with so many
>good players coming back, it's hard to replicate how
>the sequence of the season created the stretching
>physically and psychologically. There's often some let
>down in the following year.
>the Patriot League championship, but more importantly, the two post season wins certainly will not hurt recruiting...and frankly watching the interviews with two well-spoken and MODEST young man was refreshing and certainly not atypical of Colgate...for someone who many think looks at the glass as half-empty I must say that the Hunt years could be quite good...and what a nice compliment to Coach Biddle as well...now only if the powers that be will get on board and allow an expanded roster size for men's hockey (now at 25) and to FULLY fund 4.5 schollies per year...
>That said, I think it's a great lever into upticking
>the recruiting targets and process for the rest of
>this recruiting season and into the following
>recruiting class.
>Lastly, the large Gate contingent at JMU compared to
>Gate home games underscores the argument for the 7-4
>away/home schedule strategy aimed at season
>enthusiasm, the right teams and the right locations.
>Gate fans will come, when those moving parts are
>elements of the winning equation. Being realistic
>about the larger fortunes of FCS football and the
>changing dynamics of Gate students/campus culture,
>this will be the best, if not the only way to bridge
>to Gate's great football tradition. And, ultimately
>the best contribution that the football program can
>make to the continuing growth of the institution's
>unique brand.
>>I agree with the previous posts. My hope is that we a
>>building something that is sustainable. I don't mean
>>winning two playoffs games each year, but a program
>>that compares favorably with the other good FCS
>>programs year in and year out. We were not able to
>>build on the 2003 success in any permeant way, but now
>>with scholarships, I hope we can recruit more very
>>good players, build depth and continue to excel while
>>restoring Colgate's great football tradition.
>>We have many of these players coming back next year.
>>It will be difficult to replicate this year and we
>>certainly will not sneak up on anyone. All the other
>>PL teams will be gunning for us, (btw I appreciate the
>>posts on other sites from other PL fans rooting for
>>us). But I am hoping we can make some more noise.
>>Maybe some fans in the stands (someone noted more
>>'gate fans at JMU than at a typical home game).

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Ditto, The Green Coat's, The Future & The Last Indian's Points! -- Raider Redhead, 12/ 6/15 12:39:27am Sun

Agree wholeheartedly with Archivist's last comment (below.)

>Lastly, the large Gate contingent at JMU compared to
>Gate home games underscores the argument for the 7-4
>away/home schedule strategy aimed at season
>enthusiasm, the right teams and the right locations.
>Gate fans will come, when those moving parts are
>elements of the winning equation. Being realistic
>about the larger fortunes of FCS football and the
>changing dynamics of Gate students/campus culture,
>this will be the best, if not the only way to bridge
>to Gate's great football tradition. And, ultimately
>the best contribution that the football program can
>make to the continuing growth of the institution's
>unique brand.

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