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Date Posted: 12/ 6/15 4:03:57pm Sun
Author: KumbayaKat
Subject: Re: Isn't in funny that the trash talking only appears in the playoffs.
In reply to: alum 's message, "Isn't in funny that the trash talking only appears in the playoffs." on 12/ 6/15 3:38:28pm Sun

>When we play Navy or Syracuse or Lehigh or Fordham,
>we don't see it. the last time saw it here was when
>we had a run deep into the playoffs. Seriously i
>remember in 2003 when the Delaware fans starting
>writing the same kind of garbage leading up to the
>national championship. its funny how this comes
>with a successful run the playoffs. Its all in good
>fun but its so predictable.
>To our Sam Houston poster here..... Colgate has an
>enrollment to 2700 students. we are one of the
>smallest division 1 schools in the country and we have
>tied Notre Dame, Stanford, etc for the highest
>graduation rates of our athletes for years. We field
>more division 1 teams than the university of Texas.
>Look it up if you doubt this.
You have a sweet endowment for such a small number of students, too. Is trash talk predictable? Sure is. I bet the toothpaste smack is to you guys what "Houston, we have a problem" is to us, kind of unoriginal. I hope some fans are able to make the game in Huntsville. You will enjoy your time in the small town. As for the body farm, it is not located in town and is not open to visitors.

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[> [> [> Re: Isn't in funny that the trash talking only appears in the playoffs. -- Steve, 12/ 6/15 4:22:42pm Sun

How to compare Colgate and SHSU?

It's easy with an online search. This is from Forbes:

Colgate #40 overall, SHSU #598 overall

Colgate 26% admitted, SHSU 65%

Colgate composite SATs 1270-1460, SHSU 920-1090

Colgate student body 2900, SHSU 19210

Colgate Student - faculty ratio 9:1, SHSU 24:1

Colgate percent on financial aid 41%, SHSU 87%

... Just so everyone knows who they're dealing with.

Go 'gate!

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[> [> [> [> Re: Isn't in funny that the trash talking only appears in the playoffs. -- The Future, 12/ 6/15 5:00:29pm Sun

The only thing that really matters is that they seem to have a very good football team (and a place to store bodies).

They also have a coach that has had Colgate's number in the past.

Would be a great win for Colgate.

Also, I love that their fans are coming here and talking smack. Hope they are sitting at keyboards 2,000 miles away wearing giant stupid orange felt cowboy hats typing something that cuts to the quick. Too bad M.A. Rooney isn't around anymore--would have given them a really good place to start.

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