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Date Posted: 12/ 7/15 4:42:57pm Mon
Author: CU70s
Subject: Re: JMU coach post game interview
In reply to: Zappa 's message, "Re: JMU coach post game interview" on 12/ 7/15 12:10:21pm Mon

>>Gracious, perceptive observations:
>I didn't want to mention this before, I was so afraid
>after Bowman missed the xp, we were going lose 45-44.
>The poor guys life would have been miserable for
>awhile. Thank God the defense bailed him out.
>I also think Hunt completely outcoached their coach.
>They couldn't run the ball but kept trying. The little
>flat pass they scored on was open all day. The guy
>they threw it to runs a 4.4 fourty, he could have been
>utilized way more. He left our DB in his dust. Hunt is
>classy, a good coach, and the players love him!
>And not kicking to their deep returner was key also,
>he almost burnt us several times. The Chenango Valley
>prevails over the Shenandoah.
>Noone mentioned what the temp was there ?

Take a look at the JMU website..their social media was QUITE critical of their coach post game...

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[> [> Re: JMU coach post game interview -- gate, 12/ 7/15 5:18:05pm Mon

I'm sure all of Raider Nation shared your thoughts at the time, Zappa, including me.

Hunt is such a different presence than Biddle. It is refreshing to have someone who is modest (like Biddle) but not reserved. He is almost giddy and his passion for his job is contagious and inspiring. It even makes me want to donate more :-) Hunt also presents his thoughts and ideas clearly and is an outstanding advocate for Colgate. He also seems very personable and friendly.

I am happy for the seniors but particularly excited for the freshmen and for this year's recruiting class. I hope the freshman realize what an outstanding choice they have made to attend Colgate. I also hope that Hunt can ride the wave and continue to recruit top athletes. It seemed unfortunate that our 2003 season was not followed with similar success. I suppose the football program is not alone there; at times, hockey has fallen victim the same way. Already seeing some positive results with scholarships.

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