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Date Posted: 12/ 9/15 8:28:14pm Wed
Author: Gate Raider
Subject: Re: WBB.
In reply to: the las indian 's message, "WBB." on 12/ 9/15 8:01:41pm Wed

It was at the request of UConn which wanted a home game close to Syracuse, the home of B. Stewart. Syracuse U. could not accommodate UConn. Game being carried on TV by SNY network so its a money game for Colgate. Also, full house at $25 a ticket. It's okay, if you like being humiliated. Watch someone will step in and say it was a great opportunity for the players and they loved it.

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[> [> Re: WBB. -- TheGreenCoat, 12/ 9/15 8:31:49pm Wed

>It was at the request of UConn which wanted a home
>game close to Syracuse, the home of B. Stewart.
>Syracuse U. could not accommodate UConn. Game being
>carried on TV by SNY network so its a money game for
>Colgate. Also, full house at $25 a ticket. It's
>okay, if you like being humiliated. Watch someone
>will step in and say it was a great opportunity for
>the players and they loved it.
apparently we're willing to "pimp" the pathetic WBB program out for a few bucks...I suggest learning to crawl before you try and walk and frankly we're at the 2month infant stage...pretty sad IMO

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[> [> Re: WBB. -- bison137, 12/ 9/15 8:42:59pm Wed

>It was at the request of UConn which wanted a home
>game close to Syracuse, the home of B. Stewart.
>Syracuse U. could not accommodate UConn. Game being
>carried on TV by SNY network so its a money game for
>Colgate. Also, full house at $25 a ticket. It's
>okay, if you like being humiliated. Watch someone
>will step in and say it was a great opportunity for
>the players and they loved it.

One correction: Syracuse "could" have accomodated UConn. In fact, they have a home game tonight that they scheduled well after UConn had to turn to Colgate. The operative phrase is that Syracuse was afraid to play UConn.

As for SNY, they televise all UConn games that arent' picked up by ESPN. I don't think Colgate gets any money for it, but as you say a lot of money was made from ticket sales. The best seats actually sold for $50.

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[> [> [> Re: WBB. -- the last indian (Revised opinion), 12/ 9/15 8:51:05pm Wed

Actually I am reversing my opinion. Yes we are getting
creamed, but there is a semblemce of a well coached
team with our ladies. We are seriously out manned, or
out womaned, if you will, but making the occasional
good shot and some pretty good passing, even if much
of it is disrupted. Probably fun to play in a packed
house, even if many are UConn fans. There are plenty
of good teams that will lose to this UConn team by 50
or more.

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