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Date Posted: 12/10/15 1:35:51am Thu
Author: Steve
Subject: Re: WBB.
In reply to: the las indian 's message, "WBB." on 12/ 9/15 8:01:41pm Wed

I am with Gate'83.

If you just watch the postgame interview on the Colgate website you will get what's positive for the coach and the players. To my mind, that's what counts- it's for them and Vicky's team to coordinate and enjoy a top class team coming to Cotterell, fill the place, the play the perennially top-ranked team in the nation (which Nicci says showed their class and I believe her), inspire Colgate players to learn from them in such a setting.

One Colgate player said it was magical for the little girls in attendance. I believe her, too.

So it's not always about winning and losing; if you have coached a girl's or women's team you would know that they find advantages and opportunities for growth in all the challenges that they take on.

Congratulations to all the participants for a great evening that will long remembered by those who enjoyed themselves. They made a smart decision.

Go 'gate!

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[> [> Re: WBB. -- Critical, 12/10/15 7:17:31am Thu

>I am with Gate'83.
>If you just watch the postgame interview on the
>Colgate website you will get what's positive for the
>coach and the players. To my mind, that's what counts-
>it's for them and Vicky's team to coordinate and enjoy
>a top class team coming to Cotterell, fill the place,
>the play the perennially top-ranked team in the nation
>(which Nicci says showed their class and I believe
>her), inspire Colgate players to learn from them in
>such a setting.
>One Colgate player said it was magical for the little
>girls in attendance. I believe her, too.
>So it's not always about winning and losing; if you
>have coached a girl's or women's team you would know
>that they find advantages and opportunities for growth
>in all the challenges that they take on.
>Congratulations to all the participants for a great
>evening that will long remembered by those who enjoyed
>themselves. They made a smart decision.
>Go 'gate!

Well said. I watched the game and the post-game presser on You Tube. I am proud of the players, coaches, university, and community. By the way, theses young ladies define student-athletes.

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[> [> [> Re: WBB. -- 60salum, 12/10/15 10:04:04am Thu

>Well said. I watched the game and the post-game
>presser on You Tube. I am proud of the players,
>coaches, university, and community. By the way,
>theses young ladies define student-athletes.

One of our players - forget her name - put up some amazing treys toward the end of the game - shots even Geno and Breanna had to admire.

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