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Date Posted: 12/10/15 1:38:02am Thu
Author: Gate Raider
Subject: Football Game Time Moved

Saturday's game has been moved to 11 am. Weather forecast for Sat. at SHSU is for rain in the morning, possible thunderstorms in the afternoon and severe thunderstorms in the evening with 1 to 2 inches of rain at night. So, call up and change those flight plans Colgate fans.

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[> Re: Football Game Time Moved -- 'gate80, 12/10/15 10:45:55am Thu

I actually was going to be half of the 2 fans going to Texas, and I'm glad the announcement was made just before I got a flight to Houston. Now I can't go, though may be just as well not sitting in a rainstorm. Several SHSU fans on their board have said why not play the game in Hamilton given the horrendous forecast.

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[> [> Re: Football Game Time Moved -- pigskin, 12/10/15 11:29:47am Thu

>I actually was going to be half of the 2 fans going to
>Texas, and I'm glad the announcement was made just
>before I got a flight to Houston. Now I can't go,
>though may be just as well not sitting in a rainstorm.
>Several SHSU fans on their board have said why not
>play the game in Hamilton given the horrendous

I wondered the same thing. I wonder what the possibilities would be to switch the game to Hammy? Not that I'm proposing that, but it's an interesting thought. Weather is great up here - 40-50 degrees, warm, dry, blue sky, no wind - perfect KerrDome conditions vice Texas.

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[> [> [> Re: Football Game Time Moved -- Go...'gate, 12/10/15 2:53:29pm Thu

>>I actually was going to be half of the 2 fans going to
>>Texas, and I'm glad the announcement was made just
>>before I got a flight to Houston. Now I can't go,
>>though may be just as well not sitting in a rainstorm.
>>Several SHSU fans on their board have said why not
>>play the game in Hamilton given the horrendous
>I wondered the same thing. I wonder what the
>possibilities would be to switch the game to Hammy?
>Not that I'm proposing that, but it's an interesting
>thought. Weather is great up here - 40-50 degrees,
>warm, dry, blue sky, no wind - perfect KerrDome
>conditions vice Texas.

Strange to say it, but the better December football weather will be in Hamilton this week. I understand why it might make sense to play at Kerr.

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