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Re: Football Game Time Moved -- Go...'gate, 12/10/15 2:53:29pm Thu
>>I actually was going to be half of the 2 fans going to
>>Texas, and I'm glad the announcement was made just
>>before I got a flight to Houston. Now I can't go,
>>though may be just as well not sitting in a rainstorm.
>>Several SHSU fans on their board have said why not
>>play the game in Hamilton given the horrendous
>I wondered the same thing. I wonder what the
>possibilities would be to switch the game to Hammy?
>Not that I'm proposing that, but it's an interesting
>thought. Weather is great up here - 40-50 degrees,
>warm, dry, blue sky, no wind - perfect KerrDome
>conditions vice Texas.
Strange to say it, but the better December football weather will be in Hamilton this week. I understand why it might make sense to play at Kerr.
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