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Date Posted: 10/13/15 7:11:36pm Tue
Author: Consultant
Subject: Re: Explain Field Hockey
In reply to: Gate Raider 's message, "Explain Field Hockey" on 10/13/15 6:26:24pm Tue

>Agree consultant. The football program costs several
>million every year. However, Colgate is slow to act
>when it comes to personnel changes in the athletic
>department. The field hockey situation defies

You are exactly right about field hockey. You have to set aside personal relationships and do what is best for the program. If I am a high level student athlete, I want a great education and to compete at a high level, with a chance at winning, that is the whole point. Again very simple.

Football does cost millions of dollars to run, difficulty is not bringing in one ounce of revenue, other than guarantees for getting their butt kicked. There is enough influence at higher administrative levels I imagine that will not let this become a field hockey problem.

But who knows!!! Still wish success for everyone.

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Explain Field Hockey -- analyzer, 10/13/15 7:17:23pm Tue

Get a new offensive coordinator or we won't be able to keep recruiting excellent kids that can throw and catch. Read option quarterbacks with an AI will continue to come to Colgate which means that we will continue to run and continue to be able to be stopped by 7 in the box, just like big short yardage plays this year. Need a new OC and if that does not work, then a new coach. Recruiting should include Texas and Ohio more because we already do a good job in Florida and the northeast and Illinois.

Go 'gate!

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