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Re: Yes and No -- Maven, 11/ 4/15 9:46:06am Wed
>Their O.O.C. opponents this year would have been
>challenging for most Div. I Teams.
>I think their performance in goal is a mystery because
>they played with a very big and immobile goalie, Erin
>Cummins who was second string last year behind the PL
>Goalie of the Year, Jr. Brenna Mason. Brenna is
>extremely agile and was a force in goal ballast year.
>She was dressed on the sidelines for every game the
>entire season.
>The raiders played their hearts out--man down the
>entire second half against Loyola. Jenna Panepinto was
>red-carded with 3 minutes to go in the 1st half. The
>game was very chippy--like a woman's roller derby at
>This Senior Class is one of the best Kathy Brawn has
>ever had. Many of the 8 Seniors, started off and on
>and or had significant playing time all 4 years. This
>is going to be a tough re-load for Kathy Brawn.
>>>Colgate WSoc ousted on some lackluster pk's and
>>>unimpressive play in goal during pk's IMO. BU would
>>>have been a nightmare anyway. So much talent on this
>>>team, not sure why the season did not measure up.
>>>Giving up 25 goals this season compared to only 12
>>>last year is very uncharacteristic of Colgate.
>>>Congrats on a fine season nonetheless.
>>do you consider an overall record of 6-9-3 and a 5th
>>place finish in the PL to be a fine season?
Coach has to have a banner year recruiting or Kathy's era may be coming to a close.
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Re: Yes and No -- bison137, 11/ 4/15 12:32:15pm Wed
Some might be interested to hear that Kelly Kuss was named the PL coach of the year the other day.
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Re: Yes and No -- Gate Raider, 11/ 4/15 2:41:40pm Wed
She was very good and a tough player at 'gate.
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MSOC wins PL Reg Season, hosts Playoff; Gate 3 Laffy 0 -- Slide Tackler, 11/ 7/15 6:34:08pm Sat
Good comeback season for Ronning after roving in the desert for several years. Very young team !
>She was very good and a tough player at 'gate.
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Re: Yes and No -- Steve, 11/ 7/15 6:34:23pm Sat
>She was very good and a tough player at 'gate.
And then there is another alum, alumnus Erik Ronning, whose men's soccer team whipped Laf 3-0 and is regular season champ with home team advantage for the tournament.
I just watched the game following the win over Laf in football. What skill and gamesmanship!
Thank you Erik for a great season to date!
Go 'gate!
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