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Date Posted: 11/ 4/15 9:42:51pm Wed
Author: Holy Cross Board's 2015 Season Epitaph
Subject: "This game won't be easy. A win here, and a 7-4 record is well within reach."
In reply to: Raider Archivist 's message, "Finishing the year: beyond the Rams what other teams have future promise ?" on 11/ 4/15 7:15:12pm Wed

A strong finish can keep the doubters at bay.
L.U. and H.C. are in a similar situation--looking for respectability.
In addition, both coaches are losing support among the faithful.

>We're at the that point in the season where fans are
>prepared to write the epitaphs for each PL school's
>2015 season. That epitaph influences the recruiting
>season and becomes the basis for projections, fantasy
>or otherwise, into next season's fortunes. Barring
>another loss, Gate and the Rams will have salvaged
>decent seasons and can carry positive momentum and
>optimism into the recruiting season on into next
>Makes for a fun off-season! Only a miracle in Laffy's
>last games will prevent the polar opposite.
>GT, B.U., L.U. and H.C. haven't yet had their epitaphs
>written for 2015. The outcome of each remaining game
>will crystallize the epitaph in a cetain direction and
>set the tone for the off-season. As an example an H.C.
>poster declares on various sports board this week:
>"Beating Lehigh on the road will set the tone for the
>7-4 seasonand a decent year" An accomplishment, I
>might add considering that they've only won 2, 3 and 4
>games in each of the last three seasons. And so it
>goes with each of the other PL teams in a year where
>conversation around the league has centered around
>whether schoolies have had any meaningful impact ?
>I'm not convinced that gate can bring the energy into
>these last games that it brought to the Rams game
>after a bye week. If they do, the epitaph for gate,
>schollies, oldtime tough scheduling and a new Coach
>are getting it together, while many of the other PL
>teams are languishing in the schools era. Show me!
>I hope I have this opportunity!

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[> [> strong Finish antidote for disappointment with impact of PL Scollies -- KarmaGate, 11/ 5/15 2:00:33pm Thu

The fortunes of PL teams sunk during the season while the Ivies are experiencing a FB resurgence. The chatter on sports boards was downright disappointment that FB schollies seem to have had neglible impact, outside of Fordham. As they say, "misery loves company." I'd love to see the Raiders finish stong to differentiate the Gate's FB Program trajectory from the rest of the league. The "losers" at Laffy and H.C. and the others in the PL ( with the exception of GT ) would love to lump all of the PL teams together in recruiting trips to cover up their specific problems in coaching, etc.

Let's not let that happen.
Gate has the the tradition and a solid finish will connect the trajectory of this program with its storied past.

Go Gate !

>A strong finish can keep the doubters at bay.
>L.U. and H.C. are in a similar situation--looking for
>In addition, both coaches are losing support among the
>>We're at the that point in the season where fans are
>>prepared to write the epitaphs for each PL school's
>>2015 season. That epitaph influences the recruiting
>>season and becomes the basis for projections, fantasy
>>or otherwise, into next season's fortunes. Barring
>>another loss, Gate and the Rams will have salvaged
>>decent seasons and can carry positive momentum and
>>optimism into the recruiting season on into next
>>Makes for a fun off-season! Only a miracle in Laffy's
>>last games will prevent the polar opposite.
>>GT, B.U., L.U. and H.C. haven't yet had their epitaphs
>>written for 2015. The outcome of each remaining game
>>will crystallize the epitaph in a cetain direction and
>>set the tone for the off-season. As an example an H.C.
>>poster declares on various sports board this week:
>>"Beating Lehigh on the road will set the tone for the
>>7-4 seasonand a decent year" An accomplishment, I
>>might add considering that they've only won 2, 3 and 4
>>games in each of the last three seasons. And so it
>>goes with each of the other PL teams in a year where
>>conversation around the league has centered around
>>whether schoolies have had any meaningful impact ?
>>I'm not convinced that gate can bring the energy into
>>these last games that it brought to the Rams game
>>after a bye week. If they do, the epitaph for gate,
>>schollies, oldtime tough scheduling and a new Coach
>>are getting it together, while many of the other PL
>>teams are languishing in the schools era. Show me!
>>I hope I have this opportunity!

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[> [> [> Re: strong Finish antidote for disappointment with impact of PL Scollies -- Cozby, 11/ 6/15 9:54:36am Fri

>The chatter on sports boards was downright disappointment that FB
>schollies seem to have had negligible impact, outside of Fordham.

Within-Conference: Did anyone think it would change relative standing in the Patriot League (excepting Georgetown, which opted out)?

Out-of-Conference: Shouldn't we reserve judgement until we are at least five years into scholarships (it will take time for recruiting and coaching to adjust, as well as for the cultural conflict of the "haves" vs "have nots" on the roster to be a thing of the past)?

Note: There is a potential benefit of scholarships that Patriot League schools may opt-out of, and if so, there will be a cost relative to other scholarship teams (one I think we should pay): At many institutions, scholarship players implicitly (and, in some cases, explicitly), receive the message that Football is paying their way and that their first duty is to Football.

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[> [> [> Too early to tell -- Prideful Alum, 11/ 6/15 10:36:53am Fri

> The fortunes of PL teams sunk during the season while
>the Ivies are experiencing a FB resurgence. The
>chatter on sports boards was downright disappointment
>that FB schollies seem to have had neglible impact,
>outside of Fordham. As they say, "misery loves
>company." I'd love to see the Raiders finish stong to
>differentiate the Gate's FB Program trajectory from
>the rest of the league. The "losers" at Laffy and H.C.
>and the others in the PL ( with the exception of GT )
>would love to lump all of the PL teams together in
>recruiting trips to cover up their specific problems
>in coaching, etc.
>Let's not let that happen.
>Gate has the the tradition and a solid finish will
>connect the trajectory of this program with its
>storied past.
>Go Gate !
>>A strong finish can keep the doubters at bay.
>>L.U. and H.C. are in a similar situation--looking for
>>In addition, both coaches are losing support among the
>>>We're at the that point in the season where fans are
>>>prepared to write the epitaphs for each PL school's
>>>2015 season. That epitaph influences the recruiting
>>>season and becomes the basis for projections, fantasy
>>>or otherwise, into next season's fortunes. Barring
>>>another loss, Gate and the Rams will have salvaged
>>>decent seasons and can carry positive momentum and
>>>optimism into the recruiting season on into next
>>>Makes for a fun off-season! Only a miracle in
>>>last games will prevent the polar opposite.
>>>GT, B.U., L.U. and H.C. haven't yet had their
>>>written for 2015. The outcome of each remaining game
>>>will crystallize the epitaph in a cetain direction
>>>set the tone for the off-season. As an example an
>>>poster declares on various sports board this week:
>>>"Beating Lehigh on the road will set the tone for the
>>>7-4 seasonand a decent year" An accomplishment, I
>>>might add considering that they've only won 2, 3 and
>>>games in each of the last three seasons. And so it
>>>goes with each of the other PL teams in a year where
>>>conversation around the league has centered around
>>>whether schoolies have had any meaningful impact ?
>>>I'm not convinced that gate can bring the energy into
>>>these last games that it brought to the Rams game
>>>after a bye week. If they do, the epitaph for gate,
>>>schollies, oldtime tough scheduling and a new Coach
>>>are getting it together, while many of the other PL
>>>teams are languishing in the schools era. Show me!
>>>I hope I have this opportunity!

I think it's still too early to make a call on schollies and here's why: seniors. There hasn't been a senior class of scholly players yet (minus Fordham, who I'd say has seen tremendous success with schollies...)

Seniors are the lifeblood of a football team, they are the collective leaders and hold a team together.

Not taking anything away from the current kids and this current season, when I look forward to our senior class next year, I'm pretty darn excited.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Too early to tell -- The Lone Haranguer, 11/ 6/15 1:51:14pm Fri

Fordham's records (regular season) since giving scholarships: 2010: 5-6; 2011: 1-10; 2012: 6-5: 2013: 11-1; 2014: 10-2; 2015: 7-2. So, it was their fourth year of scholarships that their record took off. But the records were built against teams that weren't as far along as Fordham was in implementing scholarships. Will Colgate, LU, LC, BU see their records improve when everybody has fully implemented scholarships? Will Fordham come back to the pack? Once the playing field is leveled in the PL it will come down to the athletes, coaches and school policies on athletics that will determine league records. What will be the true measure of scholarships will be the PL's record against OOC foes and that will determine whether the PL will stay a one bid conference or not.

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