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Date Posted: 11/ 9/15 4:31:25pm Mon
Author: Andy Kerr
Subject: Re: Lehigh game
In reply to: RichH 's message, "Re: Lehigh game" on 11/ 9/15 1:57:04pm Mon

I'd like to see Gate come out with the kind of energy that they brought into the game with the Rams. I'd like to se the swarming D and blitzing like we dialed up against the Rams. That was a different Raider team than I've seen all year.

Apparently the squawks can put up the points. We need to get a lead early and pound them. Apparently, they reached a feverish pitch against H.C. similar to Gate against the Rams. This is often a big game at the end of the year for both teams resulting in the championship. It's that this year, as well as redemption for mistakes and losses against tougher competition earlier in the year. Beyond the championship/playoffs, a win provides momentum into recruiting/the off-season on into next season as one of the stronger PL teams.

This is the season for Gate. They only need this one win to be champs! Lehigh has to win out! This should be a classic!

>>It's never too early to think about the big game
>>coming up this Saturday. What do posters think of our
>>chances against the EnginHawks? We both have 5-4
>>records and couldn't be more closely rated by Sagarin:
>>LU at #187 and Gate at #189. Also algorythem metric
>>has LU at 41.80 and Gate at 41.77. Home field
>>advantage and the possibility of snow/rain showers at
>>game time might give us the edge. Comments?
>Absent a lot of snow,wind and sub zero temps,doubt
>mych of an edge to either squad. After all,dont forget
>Bethlehem aint Flotida :)
>LO offense over Gate O. Gate defense over LU defense.
>Both teams have a title to fight for. Cant ask for
>much more this year for either of us. :)

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[> [> [> Re: Lehigh game -- bs, 11/ 9/15 4:58:56pm Mon

don't forget bucknell. I remember a Delaware game back in 78?? when we were blown out of the top twenty (before fcs) and missed a bowl bid.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Lehigh game -- maven, 11/ 9/15 5:18:40pm Mon

>don't forget bucknell. I remember a Delaware game back
>in 78?? when we were blown out of the top twenty
>(before fcs) and missed a bowl bid.

Rich: I agree with your brief analysis of the two teams. I will rely on the old adage "defense wins championships"!

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[> [> [> [> Re: Lehigh game -- gatefan, 11/ 9/15 5:19:40pm Mon

>don't forget bucknell. I remember a Delaware game back
>in 78?? when we were blown out of the top twenty
>(before fcs) and missed a bowl bid.

beat Lehigh and Bucknell does not matter!!

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Lehigh game -- gate, 11/ 9/15 6:55:40pm Mon

You simply cannot forget this classic only 3 years ago:


Colgate was the underdog on the road, and we pulled off a stunner. This is our title to lose and Lehigh will be formidable. Have said all year that we need better pass defense. If this game comes down to a fg, we may be in familiar trouble. As agile as Melville is, if he decides to run, he'd better be committed to it and bolt instead of hanging in the pocket for a sack. Still think Quazza is underutilized. Love the trio of Holland, Russell and Wilkins! Some great emerging talent in McCollum, Afriyie, Field and Diener, wow.

Statistics say a lot; need desperately to reduce the fumbles...


IMO we must score on our first possession of each half. How many 4th-and-1s will we attempt this time?!

Go 'Gate!

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