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Re: Lehigh game -- gatefan, 11/ 9/15 5:19:40pm Mon
>don't forget bucknell. I remember a Delaware game back
>in 78?? when we were blown out of the top twenty
>(before fcs) and missed a bowl bid.
beat Lehigh and Bucknell does not matter!!
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Re: Lehigh game -- gate, 11/ 9/15 6:55:40pm Mon
You simply cannot forget this classic only 3 years ago:
Colgate was the underdog on the road, and we pulled off a stunner. This is our title to lose and Lehigh will be formidable. Have said all year that we need better pass defense. If this game comes down to a fg, we may be in familiar trouble. As agile as Melville is, if he decides to run, he'd better be committed to it and bolt instead of hanging in the pocket for a sack. Still think Quazza is underutilized. Love the trio of Holland, Russell and Wilkins! Some great emerging talent in McCollum, Afriyie, Field and Diener, wow.
Statistics say a lot; need desperately to reduce the fumbles...
IMO we must score on our first possession of each half. How many 4th-and-1s will we attempt this time?!
Go 'Gate!
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