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Re: No -- get em ' gate, 11/13/15 2:48:09pm Fri
>>The PL AQ would come down to a vote of the ADs. If you
>>were an AD would you vote for a 6-5 team over a 7-2
>>team? We MUST to win on Saturday to get in. There also
>>is no hope for an at-large if we don't win.
>AQ is our only way in to the playoffs. We win a share
>of the league title with one win in our last two games
>and get the AQ with one win and one Lehigh loss (vs
>us, or could still get it at 6-5 if we lose to the
>Brown cloud but they then lose to the Leopards. That
>would mean we tie for the title with Fordham but get
>the AQ based on head to head). Agree that we don't
>get in if there's a 3 way tie, AD's would (correctly)
>put Fordham in.
>Whatever. Let's win Saturday and not worry about it!
Anyone be at the Colgate Inn before the game? Weather forecast as it now stands for tomorrow: High39,Low 33, Humidity 69%, Wind 20 mph, Precipitation likelihood 20%. Pretty good Gate weather I think.
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