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Re: Hockey -- Maven (Let's hope AD gets the message), 11/14/15 9:02:00am Sat
>Cornell only had 20 shots and we beat them at the X,
>too. We were disciplined and only took 1 penalty. We
>scored a ppg.
>We are unable to beat any ranked teams, home or away.
>We lost to Mercyhurst - again. We have an
>unconvincing win over Princeton. Our guys have shown
>they can grind it out and make the ECAC tournament
>over and over with absolutely nothing to show for it.
>Another season we were in the preseason rankings,
>though this time it only lasted 1 week. The writing
>is on the wall.
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Re: Hockey -- TheGreenCoat, 11/14/15 9:32:42am Sat
>>Cornell only had 20 shots and we beat them at the X,
>>too. We were disciplined and only took 1 penalty. We
>>scored a ppg.
>>We are unable to beat any ranked teams, home or away.
>>We lost to Mercyhurst - again. We have an
>>unconvincing win over Princeton. Our guys have shown
>>they can grind it out and make the ECAC tournament
>>over and over with absolutely nothing to show for it.
>>Another season we were in the preseason rankings,
>>though this time it only lasted 1 week. The writing
>>is on the wall.
Frankly, not much of a surprise to me...we brought in a solid class of '16, only to follow that with three sub-par recruiting years. Although I am critical of Ryan Johnston for leaving in July, he probably made a judgement that this year's team was not a legitimate contender for an NCAA berth and jumped at the chance to go pro...right now, we have barely two lines that can score, four decent defensemen and a goalie who is not on his game...I predicted we'd finish 8th in the ECAC in September and that may be optimistic...we've beaten 3 Atlantic Hockey teams and we were frankly fortunate to beat an improving Princeton team last week...two or three years out we will be better as the new facility does seem to be attracting some young year, though, could be a real s*** show.
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