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Date Posted: 11/14/15 11:35:31pm Sat
Author: Champs
Subject: Re: Five 4th downs
In reply to: jb'74 's message, "Five 4th downs" on 11/14/15 10:56:58pm Sat

>'Gate, 3 conversions for 21 points. Lehigh, 2 attempts
>from inside our 5, zero. There's the game. Hats off to
>both teams for a game that the Patriot League can use
>as a calling card for the caliber of play and the
>character of the participants that this conference
>puts on the field. Talk about balance : each team had
>one bad OOB penalty and one costly fumble. Beyond
>that, each offense was a machine, and some Colgate
>Defensive player's mother was praying the right Novena
>(as she did at the end of the Cornell and Fordham
>games) to seal the deal. Appropriately, these teams
>share in Fred Dunlap's legacy. Not looking forward to
>three more years against #32(Nate Eachus, Jr.)for the
>Engineers/Mountainhawks. Another remarkable game from
>"Moby" Melville, who seems to get better with every
>snap, and Madalluna deserves a highlight reel for
>every catch (ditto strong grabs by Quazza and
>Greenawalt). Holland was clutch, and compliments to
>Sr. D. Russell, who overcame the last 1st. half drive
>fumble (what was that scheme all about ??) with the
>great sideline dash that led to the ultimate victory.
>My game ball : #37, Pat Affryie, who made the diving
>ankle tackle on the screen pass completion on their
>final 4th down.
Let's finish strong with Bucknell !

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[> Re: Five 4th downs -- Zappa, 11/15/15 8:59:21am Sun

>'Gate, 3 conversions for 21 points. Lehigh, 2 attempts
>from inside our 5, zero. There's the game. Hats off to
>both teams for a game that the Patriot League can use
>as a calling card for the caliber of play and the
>character of the participants that this conference
>puts on the field. Talk about balance : each team had
>one bad OOB penalty and one costly fumble. Beyond
>that, each offense was a machine, and some Colgate
>Defensive player's mother was praying the right Novena
>(as she did at the end of the Cornell and Fordham
>games) to seal the deal. Appropriately, these teams
>share in Fred Dunlap's legacy. Not looking forward to
>three more years against #32(Nate Eachus, Jr.)for the
>Engineers/Mountainhawks. Another remarkable game from
>"Moby" Melville, who seems to get better with every
>snap, and Madalluna deserves a highlight reel for
>every catch (ditto strong grabs by Quazza and
>Greenawalt). Holland was clutch, and compliments to
>Sr. D. Russell, who overcame the last 1st. half drive
>fumble (what was that scheme all about ??) with the
>great sideline dash that led to the ultimate victory.
>My game ball : #37, Pat Affryie, who made the diving
>ankle tackle on the screen pass completion on their
>final 4th down.

It's Herman, not Moby !

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[> [> Re: Five 4th downs -- jb'74, 11/15/15 9:17:01am Sun

>>'Gate, 3 conversions for 21 points. Lehigh, 2 attempts
>>from inside our 5, zero. There's the game. Hats off to
>>both teams for a game that the Patriot League can use
>>as a calling card for the caliber of play and the
>>character of the participants that this conference
>>puts on the field. Talk about balance : each team had
>>one bad OOB penalty and one costly fumble. Beyond
>>that, each offense was a machine, and some Colgate
>>Defensive player's mother was praying the right Novena
>>(as she did at the end of the Cornell and Fordham
>>games) to seal the deal. Appropriately, these teams
>>share in Fred Dunlap's legacy. Not looking forward to
>>three more years against #32(Nate Eachus, Jr.)for the
>>Engineers/Mountainhawks. Another remarkable game from
>>"Moby" Melville, who seems to get better with every
>>snap, and Madalluna deserves a highlight reel for
>>every catch (ditto strong grabs by Quazza and
>>Greenawalt). Holland was clutch, and compliments to
>>Sr. D. Russell, who overcame the last 1st. half drive
>>fumble (what was that scheme all about ??) with the
>>great sideline dash that led to the ultimate victory.
>>My game ball : #37, Pat Affryie, who made the diving
>>ankle tackle on the screen pass completion on their
>>final 4th down.
>It's Herman, not Moby !
Zap, It's called alliteration.

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