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Re: Hockey Truths -- TheGreenCoat, 11/16/15 10:33:46am Mon
>>Welcome a different point of view or opinion though
>>it's not always appreciated on here and ruffles
>>insecure feathers. Miss seeing you on USCHO.
>>People questioning Johnson's exit; same thing happened
>>to Wagner. Can't blame them for aiming higher when
>>you see the team's performance.
>>Seems like year after year Colgate has the smallest
>>recruiting classes on Heisenberg in temrs of numbers
>>and talent?
>Not anymore, last I looked we have NINE for next year
>and thirteen total. Included is a freshman in High
>School for 2019
would agree Zappa - and I have mentioned this at some point - our recruiting efforts seem to be improving, receiving commitments out 2-3 years (here the new facility is a factor)...and some stability in our assistant coaches will see, I'm not always negative, although I suspect the next 1 2/3 years are going to be tough...
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