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Re: Football attendance? -- Hoopie, 11/16/15 4:58:40pm Mon
>>>>I was on the field w/ the players after the game,
>>>>really don't care about the fan support. Their
>>>>families were there, lots of ex-players, and most
>>>>importantly their teammates... they couldn't have
>>>>happier, was great to see.
>>>>Students haven't come to football games for years,
>>>>there were definitely more of them at sold out
>>>>Saturday night. Personal theory is it's a
>>>>of a few things; Saturday afternoons are tagged as
>>>>"Fraturdays" which are some of the better parties of
>>>>the week. The coaches don't allow the players to
>>>>any fraternity other than DU so there's not the
>>>>connection between the players and the regular
>>>>students that existed back in the 80's (when we all
>>>>had fraternity brothers on the field so went to the
>>>An email to attend the HOCKEY game was blasted out by
>>>the school to ALL students.
>>>NO such email was sent for football.....very sad!
>>>the players were aware and it DID bother them!!
>>Maybe whoever does that sort of thing can encourage
>>students ....including attend
>>Monday's opening hoop game vs Cornell.
>Football players do support basketball!
Agreed, Maven. They do, they're supportive, and we need them to continue attending. Go 'gate hoops!!
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