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Date Posted: 11/18/15 7:10:03am Wed
Author: gatefan
Subject: Re: Unfortunate truths
In reply to: 'gate80 's message, "Unfortunate truths" on 11/17/15 10:21:22pm Tue

>I was waiting until we clinched the playoff spot
>before commenting on a prior thread concerning the
>playoffs, since I didn't want to jinx the Lehigh game.
>Posters think we will try to get a home game if in a
>position to do so, will try to outbid another school
>to steal a home game, think we have bid previously
>against UMass and W Ill, and so on. I hope they are
>right, but will believe it when I see it.
>I consider it my duty to tell unfortunate truths, so
>that enough may care to try to change things. To wit:
>1) Colgate has NEVER bid on a home playoff game,
>despite the fact that we have more resources than most
>playoff teams that habitually bid for a home game. In
>2012 a home game was ours for the asking, yet we
>didn't bid and Wagner, a school with less than 10% the
>endowment Colgate has, was awarded the home game by
>default. The team had to play the first playoff game
>in decades they were clearly favored to win at a high
>school level dump in Staten Island, rather than have
>the comforts and convenience of staying on campus.
>Since our home playoff record is 3-0, and away is 1-9,
>we clearly lessened the chance that Dick Biddle and
>Gavin McCarney would move on and have the opportunity
>to gain some national attention on Eastern
>Washington's iconic red turf.
>2) Colgate would not even pay the minimum guarantee to
>ensure a home game in 2003, when we had our first
>perfect season since 1932. Colgate did not even have
>to bid, just pay the guarantee, yet they wouldn't and
>alums had to scramble to come up with the money for
>the first 2 home games. Colgate wouldn't even pay the
>guarantee for a home SEMIFINAL game. We have the
>distinction of being the only seeded school in the
>38-year history of FCS/I-AA to forfeit the right to
>any home game, let alone a semifinal, by refusing to
>pay the guarantee.
>3) Colgate will rarely be in a position to be in the
>driver's seat to get a home game. Colgate has only
>been in this position twice in the PL era, and it is
>nothing short of a disgrace that we did not pay a
>relatively trivial guarantee/bid for a home game these
>2 times. It took a 12-0 record with a decisive win
>over a FBS team to get the last seed in 2003. This may
>never happen again. I am now to believe that we will
>attempt to outbid an opponent this year, when we
>wouldn't pay a guarantee in 2003 or minimum bid in
>This is not ancient history concerning deceased past
>administrators, but happened in the last 12 years. It
>is the best recent example of how our administration
>does not support our fb program. How I hope Vicki has
>changed their minds! I won't hold my breath.

1st, also being superstitious I appreciate you not jinxing the boys for the Lehigh game...it worked!!!
2nd, thanks for the insight on the sad recent history of Gate's position on NOT bidding for a game. Truly unfortunate!!

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