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Date Posted: 10/10/15 5:28:06pm Sat
Author: pigskin
Subject: Re: Disgrace
In reply to: Gate Raider 's message, "Re: Disgrace" on 10/10/15 5:09:24pm Sat

>This was really hard to watch. Hunt thinks the D line
>is the best he has seen in 20 years, huh? Even with
>injuries that is a stretch. Maybe it is time to give
>another QB a go. Colgate has a group of really good
>receivers. They are being wasted. This team is weak
>in several areas. I hope last year was not the start
>of several consecutive bad ones.

I didn't see or hear most of the game but happened to be near a radio toward the end after the game was pretty much decided. At that point Princeton ran off a 65 or 70 yard run through our defense; it sounded like our players had just given up according to the play-by-play. If so this is a new low for a 'Gate team. We (used to) pride ourselves on putting forth a solid effort for 60 minutes - even when losing - so I just don't understand what's going through the heads on this team. Time for an attitude check?

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[> [> [> Re: Disgrace -- Lennie, 10/10/15 5:36:47pm Sat

Wow! Scholarship athletes, new coaches, we are on our way. But wait, where are we going???

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