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Date Posted: 10/10/15 8:05:27pm Sat
Author: Gate Raider
Subject: Re: Disgrace
In reply to: Prideful Alum 's message, "Disgrace" on 10/10/15 3:53:17pm Sat

Colgate is in its third year of scholarship players. Among those are some good ones but, frankly, I don't see any that are clearly better than the non-scholarship players that Colgate was able to recruit. If there are some very good scholarship players on the bench, why aren't they in the game? Future - any game that could have been won is still a loss. It doesn't matter how many passes are completed or yards gained, if they don't result in points. Colgate played terrible in the second half and there were several passes that were just plain bad. This team is no where near the level of teams from a few years ago. There is something wrong. The team doesn't seem to have spirit, aggressiveness, or determination - and that is on the coach. I have never understood this idea of a coach being a player's coach. I want a coach the players respect and are afraid to disappoint. I don't think a coach should even try to be a buddy to the players. I don't want a coach that is satisfied with competing. I want won that is driven to win.

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[> [> Re: Melville, etc. -- Go...'gate, 10/10/15 9:53:39pm Sat

>Colgate is in its third year of scholarship players.
>Among those are some good ones but, frankly, I don't
>see any that are clearly better than the
>non-scholarship players that Colgate was able to
>recruit. If there are some very good scholarship
>players on the bench, why aren't they in the game?
>Future - any game that could have been won is still a
>loss. It doesn't matter how many passes are completed
>or yards gained, if they don't result in points.
>Colgate played terrible in the second half and there
>were several passes that were just plain bad. This
>team is no where near the level of teams from a few
>years ago. There is something wrong. The team
>doesn't seem to have spirit, aggressiveness, or
>determination - and that is on the coach. I have
>never understood this idea of a coach being a player's
>coach. I want a coach the players respect and are
>afraid to disappoint. I don't think a coach should
>even try to be a buddy to the players. I don't want a
>coach that is satisfied with competing. I want won
>that is driven to win.

Sorry, I was there, too, and I just don't think Melville is very good. Some of his great stats were during that last garbage-time drive. He underthrew numerous passes. In general, the team looked uninspired.

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[> [> Re: Disgrace -- Howard, 10/14/15 12:55:03pm Wed

Please Gate Raider, tell me you aren't an alumnus! Because if you are, it's only by title. You are a phony! I've read about enough of your jibberish to last me a lifetime. Your outrageous quotes are sickening! Quote "Team doesn't have Spirit, aggressiveness, or determination, and that is on the coach". Let me ask....Are you in the locker room? Are you at practice? Are you in the trainers office? Are you at the community service events that the players and coaches attend? Are you there for cake on Wednesday nights after practice? oh wait a minute.... were you at Coach Hunt's house this summer when he hosted alumni football players for a reunion cookout? Probably not! Because you talk and criticize like you never played the game. If you did play, you forgot what the game is all about!
Quote "I want a coach the players respect and are afraid to disappoint". Once again, you show your ignorance! Quote "I don't think the coach should even try to be a buddy to the players". Stupid statement! Quote" I don't want a coach that is satisfied with competing! Another foolish statement. Now for your most asinine quote of them all...I want one that is driven to win"!
Now if you think for one moment that Coach Hunt and his entire staff aren't driven to win, you are more mentally challenged than I thought. In one of your other diatribes you also say Colgate needs to hire another chief recruiter. God help us all if you think you could do that job.
Until you can substantiate your meaningless thoughts, do us all a favor, and stop writing on this thread. Frankly, you don't know the first thing you are talking about. Please, oh please, Gate Raider...if and when you go to another Colgate football game, please just head to your car and don't shake hands with any players or coaches. Anyone who thinks and talks like you, doesn't deserve their time. They need to get to their families and friends who know what good people they all are and how hard they work.
Oh by the way, you seem to be a football brain, hoe would you block the "B" vs an eight man front?

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