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Date Posted: 10/22/15 4:02:13pm Thu
Author: Zzzzz
Subject: Re: Mbball
In reply to: Slices Come Plain Only 's message, "Re: Mbball" on 10/22/15 2:06:47pm Thu

>>>>>Gajte got a verbal from a Texas point guard!
>>>>I hope he's better than the last two guards we got
>>>>from that state.
>>>Who were they? We currently have one freshman guard
>>>from Texas and from what I've heard he's as good of a
>>>shooter as there is in the patriot league. Watch the
>>>film, this kid Jordan is VERY good.

>>Appears you are confusing two players. Jordan
>>Swopshire is a forward and is not from Texas. The
>>Texas freshman guard is David Favorite. However he
>>was a very mediocre shooter in HS. Took a ton of
>>threes and barely hit 30% of them. There are 30
>>guards in the PL who shoot it better.
>I'm not confusing anyone. The kid who just committed
>is also named "Jordan"...He looks VERY good on film.
>Favorite is the shooter I was referring to. We'll now
>have 3 guys named Jordan on this roster next year.

Yes, we already talked about Jordan Burns. He looks so good that not one other D1 program in the country offered him a scholarship.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Mbball -- Jesus Shuttleworth, 10/22/15 5:07:17pm Thu

>>>>>>Gajte got a verbal from a Texas point guard!
>>>>>I hope he's better than the last two guards we got
>>>>>from that state.
>>>>Who were they? We currently have one freshman guard
>>>>from Texas and from what I've heard he's as good of
>>>>shooter as there is in the patriot league. Watch the
>>>>film, this kid Jordan is VERY good.
>>>Appears you are confusing two players. Jordan
>>>Swopshire is a forward and is not from Texas. The
>>>Texas freshman guard is David Favorite. However he
>>>was a very mediocre shooter in HS. Took a ton of
>>>threes and barely hit 30% of them. There are 30
>>>guards in the PL who shoot it better.
>>I'm not confusing anyone. The kid who just committed
>>is also named "Jordan"...He looks VERY good on film.
>>Favorite is the shooter I was referring to. We'll now
>>have 3 guys named Jordan on this roster next year.
>Yes, we already talked about Jordan Burns. He looks so
>good that not one other D1 program in the country
>offered him a scholarship.

I can guarantee you this.....they can be named Jordan, but won't play like it. :)

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