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Date Posted: 10/22/15 8:52:45pm Thu
Author: gate soccer alum
Subject: Re: WSUP ?...WSOC hanging on by a thread for 4th slot in PL Tourney
In reply to: Slide Tackler 's message, "WSUP ?...WSOC hanging on by a thread for 4th slot in PL Tourney" on 10/22/15 8:17:59pm Thu

>2. Was the departure to Ohio State of Associate Coach
>Chris McLain, a 10 pus year 'gate veteran coach that
>significant ?

Brett Sarsfield came on as the new assistant coach this year. Could that transition have had an effect on the WSOC program??

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[> Re: WSUP ?...WSOC hanging on by a thread for 4th slot in PL Tourney -- bison137, 10/22/15 9:22:19pm Thu

>There's a story behind this year's WSOC teams
>precipitous performance decline since last year ? I
>don't know what the story is...but i have some
>1. Was Caroline Brawner's departure that significant
>as the only significant starter not returning this
>year ?
>2. Was the departure to Ohio State of Associate Coach
>Chris McLain, a 10 pus year 'gate veteran coach that
>significant ?
>3. What's the story behind 2014's PL 1st team goalie
>Brenna Mason's replacement by 2nd stringer
>immobileErin Cummins ? Has Brenna been injured all
>year ? She's on the sidelines in uniform for each game.
> Two last games in the regular season, both at home.
>On is against Loyola, with whom gate is currently
>tied for 4th place. The others last place Lafayette.
>This should all gate to get the 4th seed in the
>But look out below next year with the departure of a
>solid Sr. class sporting a half dozen players who've
>started since their freshman year.
>This year's first years have not been the typical cash
>crop reload that kathy Brawn usually pulls out of the
>hat, either !

Just to clarify. Six teams make the tournament. One win in the last two games, and CU is in.

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[> [> Loyola 3 Gate 2 -- Slide Tackler, 10/24/15 7:07:19pm Sat

The Gate Goalie ? is still a puzzle to me.

>>There's a story behind this year's WSOC teams
>>precipitous performance decline since last year ? I
>>don't know what the story is...but i have some
>>1. Was Caroline Brawner's departure that significant
>>as the only significant starter not returning this
>>year ?
>>2. Was the departure to Ohio State of Associate Coach
>>Chris McLain, a 10 pus year 'gate veteran coach that
>>significant ?
>>3. What's the story behind 2014's PL 1st team goalie
>>Brenna Mason's replacement by 2nd stringer
>>immobileErin Cummins ? Has Brenna been injured all
>>year ? She's on the sidelines in uniform for each
>> Two last games in the regular season, both at home.
>>On is against Loyola, with whom gate is currently
>>tied for 4th place. The others last place Lafayette.
>>This should all gate to get the 4th seed in the
>>But look out below next year with the departure of a
>>solid Sr. class sporting a half dozen players who've
>>started since their freshman year.
>>This year's first years have not been the typical cash
>>crop reload that kathy Brawn usually pulls out of the
>>hat, either !
>Just to clarify. Six teams make the tournament. One
>win in the last two games, and CU is in.

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