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Date Posted: 10/25/15 8:20:57am Sun
Author: Wide Right
Subject: Field Hockey

Field Hockey (0-14, 0-5 in league play) had a tough loss in overtime yesterday to a weak Lehigh team (4-11 overall, 1-4 in league play).

One more chance for a victory next week at Lafayette.

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[> Re: Field Hockey -- TheGreenCoat, 10/25/15 9:48:17am Sun

>Field Hockey (0-14, 0-5 in league play) had a tough
>loss in overtime yesterday to a weak Lehigh team (4-11
>overall, 1-4 in league play).
>One more chance for a victory next week at Lafayette.
challenge Title IX and drop the sport...

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[> Re: Field Hockey -- Gate Raider, 10/25/15 12:10:19pm Sun

Or, at least, find a coach that can have some success at recruiting.

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[> Re: Field Hockey -- Gate'83, 10/25/15 8:47:27pm Sun

Talked to a lovely field hockey player and her mother at the Inn last night. She said she's had a great Colgate experience, loves her teammates & hopes to get a win next weekend. Very upbeat. That's good enough for me... do folks really care whether field hockey wins or loses? Must admit if the field hockey athletes are happy, then I could care less about their record.

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[> [> Re: Field Hockey -- Maven, 10/25/15 9:11:55pm Sun

>Talked to a lovely field hockey player and her mother
>at the Inn last night. She said she's had a great
>Colgate experience, loves her teammates & hopes to get
>a win next weekend. Very upbeat. That's good enough
>for me... do folks really care whether field hockey
>wins or loses? Must admit if the field hockey
>athletes are happy, then I could care less about their

Excellent revealing post. Great perspective as it alters my perspective.

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[> Re: Field Hockey -- 60's alum, 10/25/15 9:09:57pm Sun

Geez....are we happy with a program that is 0-14? I don' see how any player on any team could be satisfied with that record, no matter how much she likes her teammates. It's high time the AD took a long look at this sport and try to fix it. Obviously there is something out of wack here.

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[> Re: Field Hockey -- Gate Raider, 10/26/15 11:55:52am Mon

I believe the player was putting a good face on it. I don't think she would gave come out and said, yeah we are sick of losing and need some change. Honestly, I have never met an athlete at Colgate that was content with losing even though they have to accept it when it happens. Title 9 must be in the mix or it seems the program could be moved to club status with no complaints from anyone and still happy players with a bunch of money saved. Maybe field hockey should be moved to club and WRugby moved up. The rugby players aren't satisfied with losing.

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[> Re: Field Hockey -- Gate Raider, 10/26/15 12:12:02pm Mon

After thinking about it, if the players have had a good experience, love Colgate, love their teammates and don't care if they win or lose, the program should be moved to club status and the money saved put to women's teams that want to compete to win. No sense paying for a coach, PL travel etc., if it is just to give a small group of students a happy time. That is what Div. 3 is for.

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[> Re: Field Hockey -- gate, 10/26/15 10:03:43pm Mon

I don't think this upbeat philosophy with a winless record would bode well for Urban Meyer. Foto may be nice, play by the rules, and have the respect of colleagues and athletes, but her time has passed. Unfortunately, I think Chun's hands are tied. Meanwhile, the program has turned into a pushover of the PL.

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