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Date Posted: 10/26/15 11:47:44am Mon
Author: Non-scholarship guy
Subject: Re: Disgrace
In reply to: the last indian 's message, "Re: Disgrace" on 10/26/15 10:51:38am Mon

>I think he quit

QUIT? Scholarship players quit? Really? MBB had a couple scholarship guys quit last year. Where do these quitters go to college after 'gate and where do they get the bucks to attend? I must assume from their parents. Interesting. Maybe the economy is better than we are led to believe.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> He was a non-scholarship guy -- The Future, 10/26/15 12:33:45pm Mon

It seemed like there was a good chance he was going to not be a part of the RB rotation but I have no idea if that contributed to his decision (if he in fact did quit). I liked how hard that kid played. Think he could have helped out on special teams with his speed. A lot of good kids stop playing football for all sorts of reasons. I do think you're right to believe that Travellin's not being on the field this year is proof of a resurgent economy.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Disgrace -- the last indian, 10/26/15 5:27:29pm Mon

I believe they get to keep the scholarship, but not at all sure of it.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Disgrace -- gatefan, 10/26/15 5:46:40pm Mon

>I believe they get to keep the scholarship, but not at
>all sure of it.

Trevelin was NOT on scholarship, he would have been a Sr & the Jr class is the 1st scholly class.
If you leave the team you do BOT keep your scholarship

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Disgrace -- Go...'gate, 10/27/15 10:52:08pm Tue

>>I believe they get to keep the scholarship, but not at
>>all sure of it.
>Trevelin was NOT on scholarship, he would have been a
>Sr & the Jr class is the 1st scholly class.
>If you leave the team you do NOT keep your scholarship

Not what I understand. A player may relinquish his scholarship but will be allowed to finish his degree with more conventional forms of aid from the university.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Disgrace -- gatefan, 10/28/15 7:14:09am Wed

>Not what I understand. A player may relinquish his
>scholarship but will be allowed to finish his degree
>with more conventional forms of aid from the

If you leave the team and have an ATHLETIC scholarship you forfeit the scholarship you may be thinking of an ACADEMIC scholarship? the former player certainly can stay enrolled at the college/univ and IF they qualify for other aide then they will receive it BUT they LOOSE their ATHLETIC scholarship
in this particular case the young man did not have one

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Disgrace -- Scholarships and Need-Based Aid, 10/28/15 4:26:56pm Wed

Colgate does not have academic scholarships. We do have need-based financial aid. Athletic scholarships are the only merit-based aid at Colgate.

For an athletic scholarship:

If injured and unable to compete again: Keep scholarship.

If cut for athletic ability not matching what was expected: Keep scholarship.

If cut for violation of team or university rules: Colgate takes away the scholarship (this decision is subject to appeal to a board that does not include anyone from Athletics). When an athletic scholarship is taken away: IF the student A) Applied for Need-Based Aid when they applied to the school, and B) Qualify for Need-Based Aid, then they could get need-based aid.

Note that the NCAA allows the taking away ("non-renewal") of scholarships for almost any reason, including simply because the coaching staff doesn't like the athlete anymore. Colgate goes above what is required by the NCAA.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Disgrace -- Go gate 05', 10/30/15 12:24:38am Fri

Wow, what a shame. Thought he had great production last year when he was in. Was at the Albany game , did an acrobatic jump into the end zone and stood out to me the most out of the RBs. Is this a sign of the resurging economy or an internal problem? Sure doesn't look good for the program having productive seniors transfer

>Colgate does not have academic scholarships. We do
>have need-based financial aid. Athletic scholarships
>are the only merit-based aid at Colgate.
>For an athletic scholarship:
>If injured and unable to compete again: Keep
>If cut for athletic ability not matching what was
>expected: Keep scholarship.
>If cut for violation of team or university rules:
>Colgate takes away the scholarship (this decision is
>subject to appeal to a board that does not include
>anyone from Athletics). When an athletic scholarship
>is taken away: IF the student A) Applied for
>Need-Based Aid when they applied to the school, and B)
>Qualify for Need-Based Aid, then they could get
>need-based aid.
>Note that the NCAA allows the taking away
>("non-renewal") of scholarships for almost any reason,
>including simply because the coaching staff doesn't
>like the athlete anymore. Colgate goes above what is
>required by the NCAA.

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