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Date Posted: 10/26/15 6:38:18pm Mon
Author: Gate Raider
Subject: Re: Swimming and diving wins over Holy Cross
In reply to: bison137 's message, "Re: Swimming and diving wins over Holy Cross" on 10/26/15 11:49:33am Mon

HC is totally overwhelmed every year at the PL championship meet. To be blunt I don't know why they continue to attend as it is embarrassing. But, I guess, if they have an individual swimmer who is good, it gives that swimmer a chance to shine.

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[> [> [> Re: Swimming and diving wins over Holy Cross -- Steve, 10/27/15 6:07:39am Tue

To your point, HC or some other team has to be at the bottom of the PL in each sport. And then recenter itself overall with some distraction about "the best is yet to come, yada yada" as HC has done with football and men's basketball periodically.

Then there is their capital campaign for the Hart Center whereby they aim to raise - get this - $85 million to renovate and add to it - as per their athletics website. Last year when I first noticed this news the figure was $104 million, and for all I know it still is. Maybe the publicity has just been toned down? Check it out!

Here is a school about Colgate's size, a smaller endowment ($726 million vs $892 million), and which claims to meet full aid needs whereas Kiplingers shows its ave indebtness per student is much higher (roughly $31 thousand vs $19 thousand), going for broke for athletics. Imagine Colgate doing that? Our Class of 1965 Arena at $38 million was a long time in coming and a reach. And it seems that it will still be a while until the Starr renovation - at a much much smaller amount than that - gets public fundraising underway.

Moving along, we should feel pretty good about our sports and their competitve positions in the PL. And also that Colgate is not in Worcester (as per my rant after attending our football game there- see that thread for details).

I don't know whether HC swimming and its other minor sports will become more competitive in the PL nor do I know if HC will even succeed with this $85 million+ stretch. Good luck to them; I suspect they will need it.

Go 'gate!

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[> [> [> [> Re: Swimming and diving wins over Holy Cross -- bison137, 10/27/15 10:41:35am Tue

>To your point, HC or some other team has to be at the
>bottom of the PL in each sport. And then recenter
>itself overall with some distraction about "the best
>is yet to come, yada yada" as HC has done with
>football and men's basketball periodically.
>Then there is their capital campaign for the Hart
>Center whereby they aim to raise - get this - $85
>million to renovate and add to it - as per their
>athletics website. Last year when I first noticed this
>news the figure was $104 million, and for all I know
>it still is. Maybe the publicity has just been toned
>down? Check it out!
>Here is a school about Colgate's size, a smaller
>endowment ($726 million vs $892 million), and which
>claims to meet full aid needs whereas Kiplingers shows
>its ave indebtness per student is much higher (roughly
>$31 thousand vs $19 thousand), going for broke for
>athletics. Imagine Colgate doing that? Our Class of
>1965 Arena at $38 million was a long time in coming
>and a reach. And it seems that it will still be a
>while until the Starr renovation - at a much much
>smaller amount than that - gets public fundraising
>Moving along, we should feel pretty good about our
>sports and their competitve positions in the PL. And
>also that Colgate is not in Worcester (as per my rant
>after attending our football game there- see that
>thread for details).
>I don't know whether HC swimming and its other minor
>sports will become more competitive in the PL nor do I
>know if HC will even succeed with this $85 million+
>stretch. Good luck to them; I suspect they will need
>Go 'gate!

As of June, they had raised over $52 Million towards this project, with another gift of $5 Million likely to have kicked in by this time. Looks like ground will be broken in the spring of 2016.

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