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Date Posted: 10/29/15 5:30:54pm Thu
Author: Gate Raider
Subject: Re: The Museum Downtown
In reply to: Gate'83 's message, "Re: The Museum Downtown" on 10/29/15 4:58:12pm Thu

It's certainly not appealing in the suggested location unless the style or architecture is changed. Maybe they should go up rather than back and leave some room for parking. Better yet, put it where the Alum Relations building office is and get rid of the modern architecture.

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[> [> [> [> Re: The Museum Downtown -- Cr, 10/29/15 6:27:57pm Thu

>>So this is for the farmers and village folk, who live
>>around Hamilton or is for the profs and their wives.
>>I don't get it. Waste of money and I have also heard
>>that it is ugly and not in keeping with the
>>architecture of the town.
>The idea is it's for everyone... lets Colgate show off
>its extensive art collection to farmers, professors,
>students, tourists, etc. The hope is it would be
>another attraction within town that would draw
>economic activity to Hamilton, certainly to the
>benefit of locals and the downtown businesses. What
>the arts center offers may not be of particular
>interest to those of us populating a CU sports
>chatroom, but there are certainly others who care more
>about this project than the new hockey arena.
>As to aesthetics, Future's post above has a link that
>shows a scale drawing so you can judge for yourself

ether it's appealing. It's certainly different!

Junk it! The farmers and Amish are' coming. If you need a new building find a new arcitect and put it on campus as last Indian suggests.

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