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Date Posted: 10/31/15 10:15:12am Sat
Author: TheGreenCoat
Subject: Re: Web site
In reply to: Puckman 's message, "Re: Web site" on 10/31/15 9:52:00am Sat

>>Hockey was routed by Providence last night, but the
>>headline on the athletic site was Harrison, and
>>Kulevich score on PC. Ridiculous. What is this a
>>"participation trophy". Stupid PC crap.
>>Come on Vickie, a little realism please.
>We're just not able to swallow the thumping we took,
>and admit we got smoked by a better team. Sort of like
>putting lipstick on a pig.
...and a pig it was...almost embarrassing, as virtually no one seemed to play well...Finn looked distracted (to be charitable) and the coverage in our own end was appallingly bad...I, too, am fed up with these PC headlines...you lose, you lose...perhaps now the Colgate Athletic Department will provide the "positives" of the game for us and not mention the score...all players will receive participation trophies at the end of the year...I've also noticed that at many other schools post-game interviews or press conferences with the losing coach are immediately available or follow shortly thereafter...two come to mind: watching Keith Allain or Rick Bennett discuss a loss is both interesting and valuable (and, of course, these are two coaches with DI championship rings...Vicky and others in the department...let's grow up here and act with a measure of sophistication...this PC crap is insulting and many of us are getting tired of it...it also sends the wrong message, a message we have also sent in preparing our new $38 million facility. Are we going to make a commitment to winning or to participating? Several years ago both Union and Yale made the former commitment and now have championships. I don't expect a DI title, but yours truly and many others do expect that we honestly TRY...and that goes for the administration and the President...specific to hockey, it we can't or won't what's the purpose of spending $38 million? Tell me...

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