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Date Posted: 11/ 2/15 10:24:47am Mon
Author: Maven
Subject: Re: A response to gatefan
In reply to: The Future 's message, "A response to gatefan" on 11/ 2/15 9:48:50am Mon

>I know you aren’t a fan of Hunt’s but it’s pretty
>amazing how you could cherry pick a few plays to rip
>his coaching ability and then be so wrong about pretty
>much all of them.
>1. The squib kick to end the half? Colgate’s kick off
>coverage might have been the best it’s ever been in
>this game. Fordham started on their own 18, 27, 20,
>35, 25, and 25 after kickoffs. Has Colgate’s kick
>coverage ever been better? (The one where they started
>at the 35 was the kickoff out of bounds) The coverage
>was great. Why would you change what was working?
>2. Kick a 43 yard field goal and the game is over?
>Maybe. What are the odds of converting vs. the odds of
>picking up a 4th and 6? The FG unit has looked a lot
>better over the past few games but I don’t think they
>have attempted a FG over 40 this season. The unit is
>4-10 on field goals. (I do think they have
>straightened out a lot of the problems and will be
>rock solid from here on out!) If Colgate does pick up
>the first down here, with 3 minutes left, they can
>really run clock though I'm not sure if it is game
>over either way (based on what Fordham did in the past
>23 seconds). Hunt not trying to kick a field goal
>longer than the team has attempted when the unit is
>converting 40% of its field goals? Not sure if this is
>the Hunt can't coach hill you want to die on, but
>let’s call this one a wash.
>3. Run the ball and take time off of the clock? The
>clock stops on change of possession. How much more
>time would a run taken than a pass? Let’s say it’s
>five seconds. Fordham got the ball with 3:06 after
>this play. So you want Colgate to run the ball on 4th
>and 6 so that Fordham would get the ball back with
>3:01 left on the clock instead of 3:06? Do you think
>Colgate had a better chance to convert with a run or a
>pass here? That’s the coaching decision. Five seconds
>of clock time with three minutes left in the game is
>meaningless. Probably not the play you want to call
>out Hunt on for his lack of coaching ability.
>4. Defending the onside middle. That kid made a
>perfect kick. The onside middle is probably the worst
>onside kick to do in this situation—when the return
>team knows it is coming. It is a great surprise kick
>when the defender drops quickly and there is a hole to
>put the ball into. The onside middle worked here—which
>makes it a good coaching decision, but I would have
>really questioned it if it hadn’t--as much as any play
>in the game. Also, I’d love to look at the tape but I
>think there is a pretty good chance Fordham’s entire
>kick off team was offsides with the way the kicker
>stutter stepped before kicking the ball. Don’t know if
>I’m right, but the whole play looked a little wonky.
>As far as the hands team not practicing against the
>kick, I have no idea if that is true but it seems
>pretty unlikely based on how well the KO coverage team
>and return teams have played this year.
>Colgate came out running plays Fordham had never seen.
>Colgate picked up 44 yards on a play Fordham wasn’t
>prepared to defense to start the game. That good
>coaching. The team was sky high all game (maybe the
>coach had something to do with that), running plays
>Fordham had never seen (maybe the coach had something
>to so with that,) and beating the #11 team in the
>country (maybe the coach had something to do with
>that). You can rip them when they blow it, but there
>was plenty to like about the coaching effort and
>acumen on Saturday. And if nothing else, if you are
>going to rip them, rip them for the right stuff.
>Go 'gate!

Great post Future. Gate fan is the champ of nitpicking AND he is way off base. My only comment on the onside kick is our guys should have charged the ball.

I am still on a high about how all facets of Gate football worked! Keep up that aggressive stance.

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