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Date Posted: 11/ 2/15 11:58:32am Mon
Author: And Kerr
Subject: Gate's ENERGY in Ram game a new bar for this team!
In reply to: the last indian 's message, "Re: Random thoughts from the Kerrdome(Fordham)" on 11/ 2/15 9:41:19am Mon

I'm with you Maven. This was an inspiring win! ( "I am still on a high about how all facets of Gate football worked! Keep up that aggressive stance." )

This team was on a mission, and their high energy got more pumped as the pieces fell in place and the ball kept bouncing their way.

One thing that concerned me in watching gate earlier this year against other significant opponents is the lack of fire in their bellies. Navy, UNH, Yale and Princeton were all teams that I thought they could get pumped for ?

This was a statement game ! But, will the motivation of the ring being obtainable sustain this level of energy. If it does, I think you have to look more favorably on the wisdom of the heavy scheduling that gate puts into the front end of the season. This is a gate trademark and it adds drama to the season.

btw, did anyone else notice that we now only have 10 games scheduled in 2016 and 2017. An open spot to fill for each year.


Sept. 3 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Oct. 1 Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 5 Nov. 12 Nov. 19

at Syracuse
at Yale
at Richmond
at Lehigh *
at Bucknell *
at Fordham *


Sept. 2
Sept. 9
Sept. 16
Sept. 23
Sept. 30
Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18
at Buffalo
at Cornell
at Holy Cross
* Open
at Lafayette *
at Georgetown *

>By definition we are all Monday morning Quarterbacks.
>But one can't urge the coaches to be aggressive and at
>the same time criticize the pass play on the FU 25
>late in the game. I personally would have run twice
>and used more clock which might make a first down or
>move into FG range, but I have no problem with the
>option they chose. But one can easily imagine the
>outcry on this board if we had run the ball and gone
>The on-sides kick is another matter. Have to practice
>Now every game has consequences. I hope they do not
>overlook Lafayette. They have a lousy record, but are
>getting a lot of injured players back and will be very
>motivated to knock us off.
>Someone should point out that they do not to open the
>door for their dreaded rival Lehigh.

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[> [> [> Re: Gate's ENERGY in Ram game a new bar for this team! -- Gate'83, 11/ 2/15 1:26:13pm Mon

>I'm with you Maven. This was an inspiring win! ( "I am
>still on a high about how all facets of Gate football
>worked! Keep up that aggressive stance." )
>This team was on a mission, and their high energy got
>more pumped as the pieces fell in place and the ball
>kept bouncing their way.
>One thing that concerned me in watching gate earlier
>this year against other significant opponents is the
>lack of fire in their bellies. Navy, UNH, Yale and
>Princeton were all teams that I thought they could get
>pumped for ?
>This was a statement game ! But, will the motivation
>of the ring being obtainable sustain this level of
>energy. If it does, I think you have to look more
>favorably on the wisdom of the heavy scheduling that
>gate puts into the front end of the season. This is a
>gate trademark and it adds drama to the season.
>btw, did anyone else notice that we now only have 10
>games scheduled in 2016 and 2017. An open spot to fill
>for each year.
>Sept. 3 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Oct. 1 Oct. 8 Oct.
>15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 5 Nov. 12 Nov. 19
>at Syracuse
>at Yale
>at Richmond
>at Lehigh *
>at Bucknell *
>at Fordham *
>Sept. 2
>Sept. 9
>Sept. 16
>Sept. 23
>Sept. 30
>Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18
>at Buffalo
>at Cornell
>at Holy Cross
>* Open
>at Lafayette *
>at Georgetown *

Somebody else noticed this a while back, the open spots used to be a home and home with Bryant that we canceled. I asked about it, sounds like we're hoping to replace with a home & home with an Ivy. That was the answer I got at Homecoming, not sure what's happened in the last month or so.

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