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Date Posted: 10/ 4/15 10:23:52am Sun
Author: Pigskin
Subject: Re: Terrible by 4
In reply to: Gate Raider 's message, "Re: Terrible by 4" on 10/ 3/15 7:54:34pm Sat

>As this game showed in the fourth quarter, 'gate's
>pass defense has its difficult periods. Agree that
>Quazza should see more action. Don't think Princeton
>will be that successful stopping Wilkens on short
>From the Cornell highlights tape, available on their
>it looked like DB #1 had two bad plays that resulted
>in Cornell's first two TD's. First, was the 79 yard
>TD run and it looked like 1 just made a poor attempt
>at the tackle. Looks like he could have pushed the
>runner out of bounds or wrapped his arms around the
>runner to tackle him. Second, he just got badly faked
>out and the receiver ran past him to catch the pass in
>the end zone. Best game yet for 'gate but, there are
>still some weaknesses that need to be addressed - as
>there always is.

Fordham 35, Lafayette 0. This is what we're facing down the road. A lot needs to be improved on both sides of the ball before we can add another PL title to our resume.

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[> [> [> [> Opponents -- The Future, 10/ 4/15 1:11:53pm Sun

Navy beat Air Force 33-11.
(Why does Air Force play these games!!! It's embarrassing!!!)

Holy Cross beat a not-horrible Albany 37-0.

I watched the Yale-Lehigh game. Yale made a lot of mistakes and dominated. Really tried to give the game away.

Fordham beat Lafayette 35-7. Lafayette had a FG blocked that would have put them up 10-0 that was returned to their own ten. Had a second FG blocked. Edwards has such a good second gear--maybe not the fastest top end speed but he really moves away from guys when he gets 10 yards past the line of scrimmage.

UNH (with their backup QB playing) went up 34-0 against Elon in the 2nd quarter and won 37-14.

Princeton has beaten Lafayette by 33 and Lehigh by 26 and snuck by Columbia 10-5.

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