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Subject: Tourism

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Date Posted: 12:05:07 01/14/17 Sat


Join us at the World’s Best Event of its kind! Not too late yet to enter!
Today there are so few Role Models, well, good role models anyway...so today, if you would, take a look inside this album...You will see dreams come true, you will see accomplishment, you will see growth, you will see a group of World's Tourism title-holders sharing their cities, states and taking us to monuments, attractions, parks, fields, forests, restaurants...You will see care, compassion and raising of voices to help stop juvenile diabetes, cancer, to ringing bells for the Salvation army, giving blood to Red Cross you will see a group World's Tourism Title holders who have changed the way we think of a pageant.. You see at World's Miss Tourism the pageant is small part of a Tourism Titleholders year...The year is her ambition her drive her determination to make an impact in this world, her participation in events, charities her involvement in community events like Dairy Queen, Walgreens and IHOP and if she does not have an event to attend she sometimes creates one herself...Like the We are One Campaign by Sadie 6 yrs old and Chalans Star at 10 yrs old and many others...So if you want your daughters or yourselves in a crown that is more than meaningful join us today!!! If we are not for you please share with someone who may be a great fit...
fill in your online entry form at http://www.worldsmisstourismpageants.com/2017-entry-form
email a head and shoulders photo to firstrowproductions@hotmail.com
and send in your entry fee for your crown and sash of $150.00 to

Like us on facebook here https://www.facebook.com/worldsmisstourismpageant
and here

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