~*~The Inquisition of Enchantment~*~
My chars are grouped into their species,so just look for the species you are looking for.All the chars of that species are underneath.Also please not all my chars are Male.~IOE
~Stemstripe Rodin~Male,Mouse,Married to Starlight Moonbeam.The leader of the Group.He is quite a placid character unless violence is necesary.He enjoys reading and furthering his knowledge,he also enjoys freindly duals to further his battling skills.He is usually free to talk to anybeast.He is usually found at his spot by the window.
~Delfur Quinlan~Male,Mouse,Single,looking.He is from a small Island off the coast of the Isle of Terramort.He was seperated from his family a year ago when they were sailing over to visit freinds near Salamandastron, when their small boat was shipwrecked in a storm.He searched for his family for a while but to no avail he wandered looking for shelter and stumbled upon this place.
~Xavier Bane~Male,Squirrel,Married to Fiarah and has a son Devon.Second in command.He is usually a little quite around strangers but always wary of danger.He is experinced in battle as ex-knight he is ready to defend freinds and loved ones if he is called upon.
~Collog Thonon~Male,Squirrel,Loves Perl.He is a poetic squirrel but a bit on the hyper side.He is usually hyper unless there is something deep on his mind or somthing is troubling him.He is also quite a gymnast and will usually be found doing cartwheels in the rafters or backflipping off them.He is by no means shy and will talk to almost anybeast.
~Prician Hollowthorn~Male,Squirrel,Loves Elfarren.He is a bookworm it is almost like a habbit and if in withdrawl from reading something he may get cranky.He will always have a horde of books with him which he carries around in his cherished Red satchel which he never lets out of his sight.He is very quite and may often seem uninterested in strangers.will usually be found at the table reading
~Xander O' Hara~Male,Squirrel,Married to Deidre.He is a very musical beast and can play nearly any instrument and owns all that are known to him.He also makes his own which are very good and beatifully decorated with Celtic designs.Although a little expensive they are worth it.He is quite and will usually just play his cherished harp but is very talkitive when approached.Will usually be found playing his harp in the corner.
~ Jurlin Minto~Male,Squirrel,Single,looking.He is one of those beasts who never grow old on the inside.He is very laid back and loves to joke and smile or just have fun.He is extremely talkitive and is always attracted by a pretty face,he is also quite affectionate.He doesn't get embarresed easily so if he had feelings for somebeast they would certainly know about it
~Harlin Cherup~Male,Squirrel,Single,looking.He has a very good singing voice and can usually not stop himself from singing along to Xander and Rorys music.He always expresses himself in whatever way he sees fit and is by no means shy.He also adores Elderberry wine and will usually be found drinking it at the bar if he is not with Xander and Rory.
~Silphur Neleo~Male,Squirrel,Engaged to Drina .He is a young Squirrel who has carried the burden of blindness from birth.He knows his way around the Dance from the time he has spent there.He does not like venturing outside alone,because of the danger of getting lost or attacked.But loves walking around with company.He is very outgoing and is always in the mood for a talk.
~Rix Orig~Male,Otter,Married to Yira.He is cheif of Otters in the group.He is very fond of Hotroot soup,he has his own recipie which took him years too perfect and he is still making ajustments.He has alot of scars on his body as he usually commands the otters in battle so is a target to enemies.He can be found in the kitchens making or drinking Hotroot soup.
~Rory O'Donnel~Male.Otter,Single,Looking.He is a young otter,He is a magnificant flute player.He only has one ear from an accident as Babe.He enjoys sitting in the corner with Xander composing or playing music.He is a gentle beast and does not like confrontation and often becomes scared if attacked or is threatened.He has these fears from experiance.
~Finn O' Rourke~Male.Otter,Single,Not looking for love right now,but for a good freind.He has a very big appetite and is a little overweight,Due to this is,he is a great cook.He is often found in the kitchen making a cake or somthing else sweet.He is a very cheerful beast and always likes having conversations.
~Donmel Jameson~Male,Otter,Single,Looking.He is a very nice otter,but is not much to look at.He has a long scar down the left side of his face,His eye is completely white and the ear on that side is missing.He got these mutilations from when he was attacked by a Rapscallion band when he was only middle aged.He was taken slave for a few months but mannaged to escape.He can be quite or jaded on some subjects.
~Clorry Donner~Male,Hare Single,not looking.He was once a joyful,Life hungry Hare.This was until love entered his life,He was engaged to be married,when his Fiance left without as much as a goodbye.He still seeks her to this day but to no avail.He is no very down in himself and pesimistic.He also lost his large appetite and rarely eats.
~Platium Telvan~Male,Hare,Looking.An old hare of the long patrol,His body is covered in many scars.He does not trust any type of vermin no matter what.He has a limp from a shattered knee cap which crippled him permanently.He always puts his life on the line as he has nothing to live for anymore.He was warriors blood in his veins and it always causes him more injurys.
~Luan Kasper~Mele,Hare,Single,Looking.He is a young Hare,only 17 Winters old.He is still not as wise to this world as she should be and often gets himself into trouble.He likes food so much he even eats his own cooking,which usually ends up back on the floor.He never learned to cook well but,is now becoming an adult and has to fend for himself.He always enjoys conversing with others.He can't help approaching a pretty Hare maid.
>~Quilem Ferral~Male,Wildcat,Single,Looking.He is very competitive and loves drinking contests.He also likes making freinds,but is always ready to battle.Although his skills arn't that great he is always ready to fight if opposed.He rarely has drunken rages,as he gets rather stupid when he is drunk.He is quite a talker when he's sober though.
~Telsaarian Paraselén~( Telz )Male.Wildcat,Single,Looking.He is a Marmalade wildcat.The fur on his face gradually converts to a bright blonde.He carries a belt of knives around his waist,given to him by his father.He doesn't like using them for battle but for entertainment.He has learned to juggle and use them to do tricks.He is very outgoing and friendly.
Vermin:(Under construction)
~Rune Frult~Male,Ferret,Attached to Tetiel Sy.He is a lowlife Ferret with little consideration for others.His body is covered in tatoos.He is not much of talker and still has a little evil in him.He rarely likes others.He has a habbit of stabbing his fingertips with a knife.He dislikes the rest of the group,and often stays as far away from them as possible.
~Colt Koil~Male,Fox,Single,Looking.~He is a very shadow character.He rarely speaks.He is not evil but isn't good either.He will sit on his own in a shadowy corner.He carriers a hand axe and Sabre.He usually wears a large hooded Cloak,the hood is usually kept up sheilding his face.He doesn't like communocation very much.
~Devon~Male,Squirrel babe.Son of Xavier and Fiarah.He is an adventures little Squirrel.He often strays away from his pearents and crawls around the Sali.He can be quite vicious too,be careful when your paw is close to his mouth,because you will probably get nipped.
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