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Date Posted: 12:52:05 03/19/12 Mon
Author: Phil McBride (pmcbride@austin.rr.com)
Subject: Re: Shiloh News
In reply to: Phil McBride 's message, "Shiloh News" on 09:42:43 03/13/12 Tue

I"m updating my own message here. Today the number registered for Shiloh is posted at 6,150. Wow. Our company's nearly 100% increase of men registered over any prior national event (34 to Shiloh compared to 18 to Chickamauga in 2008) seems to be mirrored in a lot of units. I'm ready. Let's do it.

QM Sgt Phil

>It's Tuesday morning and I just visited the Shiloh
>reenactment website. Registration is well over 5,000
>now and their registration server got overwhelmed with
>last day registrations yesterday. Bad for them, but a
>good sign for the reenactment. But the news that has
>me all stirred up isn't the Hunley replica exhibit or
>the many sutlers or so many reenactors, but, get ready
>now: Miss Tennessee her sweet little blonde headed
>self is going to be on hand at the opening ceremony on
>Saturday morning! While we will likely be out in a
>meadow somewhere letting the chiggers and ticks creep
>up our legs while we wait for the battle to start,
>Miss Tennessee will be blessing the event for all the
>spectators in the big tent. I sure hope we can keep
>our young privates (not to mention Trooper Cornett)
>with us and prevent them from mobbing the stage when
>she steps out. Might be a tall order to test Captain
>Van's leadership.

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