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Date Posted: 18:51:42 12/25/15 Fri
Author: CaptainBlack
Subject: #ICQ: 660873348> Sell CVV Good Fresh All Country & Verified by Visa,Pass VBV available

#ICQ: 660873348> Sell CVV Good Fresh All Country & Verified by Visa,Pass VBV available / Dumps Tracks 1&2 / Banking Login / Sell Account Hacked (Match dating,Zoosk dating,Alibaba) Paypal

FRESH USA & EU / Swenden,France ,United Kingdom ,Austrialia,Canada..Asian **(Y!M: Fresh.Cvv2)***( Japan,HongKong,Malaysia...many country ( any country u want ) bases with valid rate of 95%


*********HELLO ALL FRIENDS*********

* I am selling Credit cards information
* Fresh, Live, and 100% credit cards
* used for online shopping, Ebay
* All shopping sites, Every country
* All credit cards have high Balance
* Already Checked and verified
* Balance of cc 3,000$ or more
* Free Replacement with in 12 Hours
* I Have Verified by Visa, (VBV) Pass available
* All types of cc Visa, Master, Amx, Discover
* All countries, Europe, India, USA, All
* Price of 1 cc is 25$
* Pay 100$ = 6/Cvv
* Pay 150$ = 10/Cvv
* Pay 200$ = 20/Cvv
* I only accept : PM - BTC - WMZ
* No Free test, No Free sample

***DUMPS TRACKS 1/2 With Bins***


(!!!)I'm here again! Fresh dumps Asia / Latin / EU / Usa /% APPROVAL
-DUMPS - include original track1/track2, also have some dumps with card holder info (ZIP , SSN , MMN , CVV2)
CVVs - include CC#, CVV2, EXP.DATE, full name, full address.
-FRESH USA & EU / Swenden,France ,United Kingdom ,Austrialia,Canada..Asian ( Japan,HongKong,Malaysia...many country ( any country u want ) bases with valid rate of 95%
(Track 2Track 1+Track 2)Always in stock fresh dumps,often updates,most dumps coming with track2.
But also has dumps with track1 (original)USA,Canadian and EU dumps in stock right now (USA very big base).
Dumps are checked by request only, we dont replace checked stuff. Replace always will be checked !!!
Binlist only after first deal. only after first deal. We will give order immediately after payment if payment was thru PerfectMoney (PM) & WebMoney (WMZ) & Bitcoin (BTC)
-If you Payment Via WesternUnion (WU) & MoneyGram you receive your stuff in 1 to 4 hours.

==>Card Dumps from Us : ( 101 )

Card Visa Classic , Master Card Standart : $70 / 1 piece
Card Visa, Amex, Disco, Master Gold / Platinum : $80 / 1 piece
Card Business, Cooperation : $90 / 1 piece
Card Discover, Amex, Debit card : $90 / 1 piece
Card American Express : $100 / 1 piece
==>Card Dumps from Uk : ( 101 ) ( 201 )
Card Visa / Master Standart : $85 / 1 piece
Card Visa / Master / Amex / Discover Gold , Platinum : $90 / 1 piece
Card Business / Signature / Purchase / Cooprate / Word : $120 / 1 piece
==>Card Dumps from Canada : ( 101 ) ( 201 )
Card Visa / Master Classic + Standart : $80 / 1 piece
Card Visa / Master / Amex / Discover Gold + Platinum : $90 / 1 piece
Card Business / Signature / Purchase / Cooprate / Word : $120 / 1 piece
==>Card Dumps from Au & Eu : ( 101 ) ( 201 )
Card Visa / Master Classic + Standart : $100 / 1 piece
Card Visa / Master / Amex / Discover Gold + Platinum : $110 / 1 piece
Card Business / Signature / Purchase / Cooprate / Word : $140 / 1 piece
Card Dumps + Pin,Tracks 1&2 US = $100 per 1
Card Dumps + Pin,Tracks 1&2 UK = $120 per 1
Card Dumps + Pin,Tracks 1&2 CA = $120 per 1
Card Dumps + Pin,Tracks 1&2 AU = $140 per 1
Card Dumps + Pin,Tracks 1&2 EU = $140 per 1
Asia Platinum/Business/Corporate = 120$

***PAYPAL ACC Veritified with balance***
* Sell Paypal with pass email = 15 $ / paypal
* Sell Paypal don't have pass email = 10 $ / Paypal
* Sell Paypal Veritified with balance 3000$ = 200$
* Sell Paypal Veritified with balance 8000$ = 500$
* Sell Paypal Veritified with balance 15000$= 1000$

* Match dating Account ; $20
* Zoosk dating account :$20
* Friend Finder Account : $20
*My Single Friend Account :$20



***Gift Code***
* GIFT CODE ITUNES 50$ = 20$
* GIFT CODE ITUNES 100$= 35$

* GIFT CODE WALMART 100$ = 35$
* GIFT CODE WALMART 200$ = 65$
* GIFT CODE WALMART 500$ = 150$

* GIFT CODE AMAZON 100$ = 35$
* GIFT CODE AMAZON 200$ = 65$
* GIFT CODE AMAZON 500$ = 150$


_OUR ICQ SUPPORT : 660873348

___OUR G!M SUPPORT : CaptainBlack.505020@gmail.com



***MY WORK IS ONLINE 24/24***



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