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Date Posted: 19:08:21 11/26/13 Tue
Author: wefollow.com/joewurzelbacher
Subject: twitpic.com/photos/JoeWurzelbacher
In reply to: Leon Harrison 's message, "Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher" on 05:40:58 05/13/12 Sun


How to begin….Well, my girlfriend and I went to Barnes & Noble to do a little studying for upcoming exams, and of course I got distracted and went to look for weight lifting books. While trying to decide between a book with a steroid freak on the cover and another book with a steroid freak on the cover, a goofy looking/everyone’s best friend looking guy approached me. He asks me how I liked my New Balance shoes, and I told him I liked them because they looked good with jeans (all the while thinking this guy is gay or really gay). He then proceeded to ask me a lot of questions about my background. I told him I was about to graduate with a 4 year degree and I was a D 1 college athlete. Oh boy did his eyes light up. He gave me a card and got my number, and told me how he MIGHT (it would be tough but he would pull some strings because he was so influential) be able to get me into a closed meeting with some BUSINESS ASSOCIATES. I was counting my good graces, and now that I look back I want to kick myself (hard) for being so naïve (a random job offer from a smarmy guy in book a store). I go back to my girlfriend (an accounting grad student visiting from UT Knoxville for our once-a-month get together) and tell her about my encounter with Todd. She laughed at his business card, and said “Look at his silly card”. I laughed; it did look like a piece of sh_t.

Well my new best friend called and said that the strings were pulled and he barely got me into the meeting. I felt like I won the lottery, I couldn’t believe my luck…that lasted until I arrived at the meeting. The meeting was held at 9:00 pm at a small bank conference center (classssssy), and as soon as I walked in I noticed a bunch of young adults wearing one or a combination of mismatched suits, big white tennis shoes, and oversized clothes (probably came from mom or dad). I couldn’t help but think I was in the midst of high school dropouts and losers (the majority but not all). That said, I no longer felt special. Needless to say I was immediately on guard. After a minute, Todd comes ambling up with a smile that never seems to leave his face. He then starts to introduce me to twenty or so of his BUSINESS ASSOCIATES, watches me with a smile as I make small talk, and then puts me in a seat right up in front for the presentation. I look around at all the nervous faces, and then I notice a lot of empty chairs. That smiling fool said he pulled some strings to get me in there…so, why were half the seats empty? As a 23 year old, pimple face prodigy (according to Todd) started the presentation I noticed that he kept drinking an energy drink called XS during every one of his pauses (I get the hint, XS tastes good…stop shamelessly promoting that super caffeine drink, oh yeah it has B6 and B12…whatever). Of course, the entire presentation was centered around all the money you could make (the only price is your soul). I was so thankful when the brainwashing session was over and was ready to get out of there. There was no easy way out, all Todds “friends” wanted to talk to me after the meeting. Looking back it seemed like I was their golden boy, and they laid the pressure on me. I was educated, young, and good looking (apparently what they were looking for). I wanted to get away from them, but I stupidly agreed to come to the second meeting. They gave me a bunch of tapes, cds, and a booklet with cheesy pictures of sports cars and tropical sunsets all over it to take home. The very small print located throughout the booklet gave the actual percentage of people that make projected profits (very, very, very, very few).

The next weekend my girlfriend came into town and I prompted her to go to the meeting with me (I told her about how superficial everyone was). I wanted her to see if she felt the evil and shallowness I felt at my initial meeting. They took the second meeting to a whole new level. Again I was mister popular when I got to the meeting and this time I had a smart and pretty girl with me (more bait). After learning that my girlfriend was in grad school for accounting they all made the comment that there were doctors, lawyers, and accountants selling their junk (they made it clear that the job was not reserved for dummies). It was so obnoxious. The presentation for this week was solely for people that reached diamond to tell how great it is to have money. We sat through 15 people telling us how wonderful it is to throw food away after eating in a nice restaurant (instead of taking it home in a box…not a lie), how they could now go to nice restaurants and order expensive deserts (this came from a fat lady…I laughed and people looked at me), and how they no longer had to have an honest jobs. The worst is yet to come…the slide show of the diamond’s Hawaii trip. 30 minutes of jack-asses smiling with constant thumbs up, drinking out of coconuts, and playing golf (there was also annoying music in the background). Finally time to go…this time I was kind of rude, and didn’t stay around for small talk. My girlfriend, who is always polite, apologized to one of the diamond’s wives and said we were hungry and were going to IHOP for some good food. The woman’s actual response was, “Haha, you may get good food, but you probably won’t like who you are sitting next to.” I responded with a yeah we are leaving. I apologized profusely to my girlfriend for making her sit through that. She eventually forgave me.

There is no doubt that there is money to be made a Quixstar, but I’ll be damned before I ever turn into one of those people at the meetings I attended. Go ahead defend it, but you know what you are. All the diamonds I met were either inherently smart or college educated. The majority of the people that join Quixstar fail. The dumb are used for profit.

Quixstar is a piece of crap with chocolate icing on it. You have to dig through the sweet stuff to find out what it is really made of.

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  • Joe The Plumber -- Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, 21:06:56 01/06/14 Mon
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