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Subject: MWI a Review

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Date Posted: 04:06:58 08/16/13 Fri

Ms World International – my review

First of all, I admit I did not see the Elite division, so cannot comment on that.

In the past two years the Ms World Elite pageant has gotten rave reviews. It’s understood that the week of festivities leading up the pageant are full of activities and exciting for the contestants. Please don’t get me wrong. I’d like to enter this pageant myself next year.
But the actual pageant as viewed via stream, leaves a lot to be desired.

1. The streaming was horrible. Sound quality lacking. As a matter of fact the only clear sound was the camera men. The on stage sound was muddled or not heard at all. The camera people who sounded like teenagers were heard throughout the entire pageant. Some of the comments towards individual contestants were derogatory and quite sexist. Perhaps a better team of mature videographers next year is needed.

2. Music was bad and could’ve been better. More choices in keeping with the different competitions.

3. The stage production. Although the stage was small it could have been put to better use. Having the contestants move just a little bit faster and all with the same time limit would have helped move the show along. Also other presenters might have helped. While they did their best, the two emcees looked like fish out of water.

4. The contestants. There were some wonderful contestants in this pageant and without a doubt Melanie was the clear winner. But where did they get some of the other ones? One of them was so camp I suspected she was actually a drag queen. The gestures were over the top and the long long long posing was annoying. Didn’t anyone work with these women with onstage presentation? That only would have made a huge difference. Walk like a queen not a hooker. I think that was the most annoying part.

5. Why were the non-finalists paraded around the stage before each competition? A waste of time and not needed.

6. I have only praise for the organizers of this pageant. My only critique for them personally is perhaps they spent too much time on prep for the pageant, getting contestants and prizes and not enough time on the pageant presentation itself. I hope they learn from this experience and make next year a huge success.

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