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Subject: Re: I know where you can find YU-GI-OH! Roms

Alvin Duprey (Happy)
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Date Posted: 09:30:46 12/26/08 Fri

>>>im looking for an english yu-gi-oh rom, im not much
>>>a trade except i have all pokemon rom but please tell
>>>me where to find one
>Hi! My name is Rodrigo and I from Brazil. I was
>looking for YU-GI-OH! Roms in english too, and is not
>too easy to find.
>I think that the most of the YU-GI-OH! Roms are in
>japanese, and only now I found a place that have 3 or
>more YU-GI-OH! Roms in english.
>The Roms are:
>Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Eternal Duelist Soul.zip
>Yu Gi Oh! - Dungeon Dice Monster (ESP & USA).zip
>Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition (EUR).zip
>Below are the sites and links that I found:
>http://www.decemuladores.com/ (This is the best site
>that I found)
>You will need to be a member, but don�t worry it's
>free, you only need to give the site some informations
>and they will send to you an e-mail with your username
>and password.
>I have an username and an password and already
>downloaded some Roms.
>The site is in spanish but some words are in english.
>Tip: To play the Rom Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition (EUR)
>you will need the emulator VisualBoyAdvance, because
>the other emulators that I tried don�t support large
>Roms and you need a good computer to run fine the game.
>When you open the page http://www.decemuladores.com/
>you have to search on the top of the page the word "tu
>cuenta" and click on it. This link will open the form
>to you insert some informations about you and when you
>complete this form you will receive in your e-mail
>your username and password.
>Go to your e-mail get your username and password and
>go back to http://www.decemuladores.com/ and now go
>again to the link "tu cuenta" and "log on" with your
>username and password. When you complete this step, go
>to the main page and scroll down until you see on your
>left the words "Buscador de Roms" (This means "Search
>of Roms") and a tip, type yu on the search box,
>because this is the first two letters of Yu-Gi-Oh! and
>click on "Localizar" (This word means "Find"). The
>only thing that you need to do
>now is to download the files that you want.
>Another tip is to click with the right button on the
>Rom that you want to download, and click in "Save as".
>I think that now you will have much Yu-Gi-Oh! Roms to
>play and others roms too.
>If you are having any problems about some step of this
>file, is only to write an e-mail to
>rodrigo_x@terra.com.br and I will try to help.
>See you later, good luck and enjoy your Duels!

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