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Assume for the moment [] that the vendors of counterfeit money are honest. Admittedly this is a stretch: honest people do not normally sell dishonest money. But let us pretend [] for now. After all, our main concern is not missing the opportunity. You can worry about recovering your money later, right now we just need to avoid missing the boat.
You still have a chance to learn an important lesson. Even if you do not care for the vendors of make-believe money, perhaps you would like to enrich one of the realistic orphans who so much desire your assistance: |
If you are inclined to send real money to receive make-believe money, you may still have a chance on that also. Time is running, but if you work fast then you should succeed in transmitting funds. Just remember, delay could be fatal to the entire opportunity.
Well I walked downtown and I walked around the block Well, she looked at the nickel and she looked at me If you think this story is unlikely, then consider one where you send money to a counterfeiter, and he sends you a large volume of very good money which he just somehow cannot pass off as real. |
No matter your choice, fake orphans or fake money, time is of the essence. Get in touch and arrange to send your money before the coffee shop in Lagos spots your contact sucking up that free Wi-Fi and throws him out on the street. Because if he is out on the street, a yahoo cannot be arranging to receive your money, and that would be a shame.
All transactions with Yahoo orphans are backed by the Yahoo! two-point promise:
701 First Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 98089 | |||
Offers not available to the sorts of annoying person who would ask why counterfeiters do not use their own product, or why wealthy orphans need you to send money instead of using their own. Not approved by the Atlantic City Casino Redevelopment Authority or the Trump Enterprises bankruptcy trustees. Illustrations have precious little to do with any of the offers mentioned herein. |