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Subject: Selling on AFORS | |
Author: Bob P |
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Date Posted: Fri, May 29 2015, 23:31:31 GMT In reply to: Dave Piercy 's message, "Pulsar 1 G-CHEX" on Thu, May 28 2015, 17:07:39 GMT You could try sexing up your advert a bit (whilst still being both truthful and balanced) eg "The Pulsar is so slippy it will happily cruise at over 100kts and sips 12 litres/hour at 90 kts". You could include some third party quotes on handling - I think one article described the Pulsar as being the flying equilvant of a 1970's Lotus Elan (I'd agree with that as I also drive and Elan S4). The guy who test flew my plane (built by others) commented on how responsive the controls were and that it was a pity the design is not cleared for aerobatics. You might also explain why you are selling. Some sexy photos might also help - from most angles Pulsars look stunning. Get lots of (perfect flying weather) sky in the background and where the plane looks ready to launch into the air. I find it difficult to work out the best angles so I usually bang off lots of photos from all angles and with different backgrounds and then pick the best shots back at the computer. A sunny day with the sun behind the camera and and glinting off the (closed) canopy generally helps. I wouldn't let your ad remain on AFORs too long. Some people think if no one else has bought the plane in the last (say) 6 weeks there must be something wrong with it. So if it doesn't sell in a few weeks completely scrub the advert and post a brand new one a week or so later. Please feel free to use/ ignore the above as you see fit. Over recent years I've sold 2 planes (both Jabiru's) on behalf of the widows of deceased flying friends. AFORs was the only site that generated any interest. Good Luck Bob [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Selling on AFORS | Dave Piercy (Piercy) | Sat, May 30 2015, 19:52:09 GMT |