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Date Posted: 03:10:47 11/01/12 Thu
Author: Gregg M. Miliot
Subject: Cult killer expected to be released to Mass. halfway house

FALL RIVER -- Two sources, who have asked not to be identified, said Thursday that convicted killer Robin Marie Murphy will be residing at the city's St. Francis Home when she is released next Saturday.

While officials working with the state parole board have refused to confirm that Murphy will indeed be transferred to the Fall River halfway house, one of the sources claims to live at the home and said the director of the home held a meeting with residents Wednesday night to inform them that a bed is being saved for the notorious cult killer.
"I'm very uncomfortable about this happening," the source, who says she lives at St. Francis Home, said. "But the director told us there was nothing she could do about our concerns."

Murphy, 41, was convicted 24 years ago of the brutal slaying of 20-year-old Karen Marsden.

After serving more than two decades of a life sentence, the former prostitute and alleged Satanist was granted parole late last week.

Officials at the St. Francis Home have recently confirmed that Murphy did apply to their halfway house, but said they could not divulge information on whether she was accepted or whether she will soon be residing there.

The confirmed fact that Murphy did apply to stay at the St. Francis Home flies in the face of statements she made to the seven-member state parole board in March.

During her parole hearing, Murphy said, "I know I don't want to go anywhere where my name means anything to people."

One of the sources, who said she has been living at the halfway house for about a year, says she is extremely frightened at the prospect of living with Murphy in the near future.

"I know things that happened back when Robin was a girl. She's a great con-artist," the source said.

The source went on to say she formerly worked on the streets with Murphy in the late 1970s as a prostitute.

"Robin was my pimp. We were prostitutes," the source explained.

"I just don't want her here, so I'm going to leave whether that means going back to jail or not.

"I don't want to go back to prison for violating my parole. I'm not willing to go back to jail for her, but I know my life will be threatened when she gets here."

The second source, who is a former friend of Murphy's, said she has been told by a number of friends, one of which resides at the halfway house, that Murphy will be staying at the city's only halfway house devoted entirely to women.

The home, located on Wellington Street in the city's North End, houses a handful of women who have either been recently released from prison or who are dependent on drugs or alcohol.

The information given by both sources could not be confirmed with the parole board or the District Attorney's Office Thursday.

Officials at the District Attorney's Office in New Bedford said they have yet to be informed where Murphy will be heading when she is released into the care of a halfway house May 15.

Marsden’s murder, along with several others, rocked southeastern Massachusetts at the time because of the horrific murder scenes and allegations that Murphy and others were members of a Satanic cult devoted to sacrificing young girls and animals.

Marsden's sister, Wendy Alves, and a former Fall River Police detective, Paul Carey, were both informed of the two sources' comments Thursday.

Alves and Carey immediately placed phone calls to their victim advocates to find out if the sources were correct.

Both Carey and Alves told The Herald News they were each told that no official acceptance of Murphy's application to stay at the St. Francis Home has been granted and that a final decision on which halfway house the convicted murderer will be living at is still up in the air.

Carey also noted that he informed his victim advocate, who works with the parole board, that the former witnesses in the cult murder trials fear Murphy living in Fall River and asked the advocate to request that Murphy be transferred to halfway house in another section of the commonwealth.

"I let them know how much in fear these witnesses are," Carey said. (The victim advocate) told me she would speak with the parole board to try to get Murphy to go elsewhere.

"Now that we all know these witnesses are all scared to death, (the victim advocate) thinks that the parole board may change things and keep Murphy out of Fall River."

Alves also mentioned that she asked the same victim advocate to keep Murphy out of the Greater Fall River-New Bedford area.

"I shouldn't have to be a prisoner in my own city or home," Alves said. "I'm terrified that one day I will walk into a Dunkin' Donuts and there she'll be working behind the counter."

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