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Date Posted: 05:00:02 11/14/14 Fri
Subject: Re: BEST SPELL CASTER:ogbonispelltemple@hotmail.com

I lost my ex bpyfriend 1 year 2 months ago.My ex is on SSI we have lived together for 18 and half years. WE have a19 year old son. My ex got a letter from the county saying his SSI check would be less money as his son would turn 18 (an adult). MY EX CALLED up his friend and they devided to habe me put in jail naturally this was on a Friday so spend all weekend in jail cann't see a judge until Monday.This gave them time to look through out my house/garage (take material things.)A no-contact,stalking restraining order was put on me,I couldn't go to my house without the police
king restraning order was put on me.the restrainong order ends Jan. 21 2015. Part of myjail sentence program was to go see an IDAPP person monthly. In sept. 2013 I was dribong home I went unconcious hile driving (no one was injured) I was dx. With stage 3 B lung cancer (I don't even smoke) my ex does I also got alot of stresd from him. He moved out took ALOT of material things. ($5,000.00).our son is able to talk to him he has told our son that he is seeing,dating sleeping with other females.THAT TEALLY HURTS. I was wondeting if you could cast a spell to have him wamt to ,ove bavk in with me and our son soon.Also would like him to break up with whatever girlfriend he is with now and to only eant to br woth me and our son.I'd like my ex to come see me real soon ask to move back in my housr with me and our son.IMISS,LOVE HIM ALOT please help I need a miracle.

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