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Date Posted: 11:24:36 11/16/15 Mon
Author: Lucas Willmon (lose it with lycos)
Subject: Lose Money Faster than Paypal Pyramid with Lycos Magic, dr.lucas_willmon@lycos.co.uk
In reply to: danielle 's message, "MAKE OVER £10,000 BY INVESTING JUST £6.00 WITH YOUR PAYPAL ACCOUNT" on 14:25:26 08/31/15 Mon

Send Real Money to Fake Banker from Lycos

With the paypal magic pyramid, you are only out about $6.00, posssibly plus postage, each time you try it. Adjust for use of different currencies. For instance, one Nigerian money-unit is worth pretty much what you expect. You can also save money by simply recycling the solicitation with your e-mail address moved into place without sending money to anyone.

Sure, if you get caught promoting the scheme, the lawyer to defend the chain letter charges will be more expensive, but many people do not get caught with "paypal magic". The good news is that they do at least get their e-mail addresses published for harvesting by every other fiscal depletion operator on the net.

But there are better ways. Now, Lycos offers fake officials and you can send your money to them. It is as effective as pushing your money down a rabbit hole, but instead you send it by anonymous international transfer.

That's the plan. The main distinction is that, if you wanted to put your money down an actual rabbit hole, you would have to leave your computer, go outside, and possibly get dirty.

Avoid this discomfort. The electronic rabbit hole is now available, contact a Lycos maildrop user:
cc-claim@lycos.com centurylink
dr.lucas_willmon@lycos.co.uk web.com

The operation is as you should expect. The fake banker has a large sum of money which will escheat if not transferred promptly. You can receive it. Once you agree, you can obtain information about soome of the details, including:
  1. Initial fees to be paid
  2. How to send money via anonymous transfer service
  3. Why more fees are necessary
  4. Why you have not yet received the money
  5. Why the fees cannot be taken from the fictional money

As you can see, this is an educational opportunity. Contact our regulatory agency to find out if this may be applied to your continuing education requirement.

lycos scammer maildrop dr.lucas_willmon@lycos.co.uk lycos scammer maildrop cc-claim@lycos.com lycos scammer maildrop service lycos pink logo lycos scammer maildrop service
Rabbits, rabbit holes, and emanations from Lycos scammers may not be precisely as illustrated. Always leave sufficient alcohol for other people.

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