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Date Posted: 08:33:54 01/25/18 Thu
Author: Knut Holt
Subject: About tonsillectomy and general anesthesia on children and teens

Unnecessary and Harmful Use of General Anesthesia and Medical Procedures on children and Teens

The fact is that general anesthesia easily injures the brain of kids and teens or gives psychological impairments, a well-known and well researched fact that is generally not talken about for patients and the general public.

In spite of this Many kids go through unnecessary procedures under general anesthesia nowadays, or general anesthesia is used where pain and discomfort can be taken away more easily with other means.

This means that a great percentage of the upgrowing population have got impairments due to general anesthesia,including learning impairments.

Tonsillectomy is an often unnecessary, procedure that is often done under general anesthesia. Tossillectomy can be performed with only local anesthesia, actually, even though one is told that general anesthesia is necessary.

With local anesthesia the surgery experience will be somewhat unpleasant or course, but with general anesthesia the side effect of anesthesia are equally or more unpleasant. The same holds for many procedures children are subjected to, for example circumcission, removal of birth marks, removal of lumps in he skin, dental surgeries and endoscopies in the pelvic zones.

One of the reasons general anesthesia is used so much on kids, is that the staff does not want that the kids and parents shall know what is going on, and because one often do things with the kids in addition to the surgery they do not want the kid and parents to know about.

One of these things are secret examinations of the intimate zones ordered by the child protective services. Another thing is using kids and adults for training of medical students. Students often train gynecological procedures on women under anesthesia, for example, and surely also pelvic endoscopies on kids. A third thing is using kids and adults for research.

If a procedure takes much longer time than expected, or one has strange symptoms in other parts of the body than that where surgery happens, something others has probably been done. Tonsil surgery takes around 1 hour, after which the patient should gradually wake up. This surgery is one of those where additionl things are most often done.

By Knut Holt

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