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Date Posted: 07:35:33 12/31/03 Wed
Author: Shadow & Morgue
Subject: ++Hello there, the angel from my nightmare, the Shadow in the bk ground fo the Morgue!!*~

^+^ A bold gray colt canters in, he was of age 3, he had followed his older sister (age 4), to these lands, but when she had gone down a path of darkness, he had holted and decide to lead his twin sister here, where they would both be safe. He whinnied loduly. He needed the help of a kind mare or stallion, his mother had left the lands in which she had lived and with him and shadow and Nightmare Angel. He did not know where the stallion or place she as looking for was, be he knew it was here. Apocolypse, was a name he had picked up. But he knew nothing of the stallions where abouts or his relations with him mother...
Lonely Star ^+^

<-> Black filly snorts as she came to a stop next to her brother, she wanted to go back home. But she knew that being here ment finding her mother. She also knew she may have another sibling, mothered by Lonely Star (OOC: ne info on a foal mothered by lonely star plz plz plz come 4ward). She and her brother needed a mind mare or stalion to help them track down their mother and their older sister and possibly their unknown sibling <->

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