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Spanking, Discipline, Rules. School, Parenting and more.
Welcome. There are, or have been, other Voy forums that have had some variant of a “Spanked with Love” theme that are either defunct or slow in posting messages. One of these forums developed a family friendly companion forum suitable for younger posters and another, for a while, became a chat area for younger posters, with subjects expanding beyond the original topic. In the spirit of these forums, this forum is intended to be a family friendly forum where posters of all ages can post messages or reply to messages on a variety of subjects. Some topics of discussion may include spanking, discipline, rules, parenting, growing-up, and other topics such as sports, driving, dating etc. Here you may find support, offer advice, and discuss issues with others in a family friendly forum. In addition to rules and regulations established by Voy, the following rules apply: 1. This forum is intended as a family friendly forum open to all ages. All messages and replies will be strictly monitored and screened before they are posted. 2. No discussion of spanking people over the age of 18. 3. Treat all other posters with respect, even if you disagree with them or question the veracity of their messages - express your opinions in respectful ways. 4. Any criticism must be respectful and directed at a person’s action or behavior - not at the person. 5. No profanity. 6. Minor children may NOT post email addresses, contact or identifying information that would allow another individual to make outside contact with them. 7. Do not respond to posts that make you feel uncomfortable. 8. Adults may not ask specific younger posters any private or personal questions. Questions of this nature maybe posted in general to the board and younger posters may reply if they desire 9. Younger poster should check with their parents before visiting or posting on this forum and follow their rules. 10. It is up to each reader to determine the veracity and integrity of the messages posted on this forum.

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